A New Online PR Platform to Launch – e-PR [Press Release from a Partner]
In the spring of 2020, a new online platform in the PR industry will be entering the market. It is a
startup which features services in two languages – English and Russian.
This platform is meant to solve and assist clients in furthering their brand, whether that be for
personal or company purposes. They offer services such as communication strategies, media
planning, and publications in media websites. The client can directly communicate with the
media and purchase an advertisement with their automated system.
Included on the e-PR team are more than 10 members who have been working on the platform
for 6 months. Team members range from specializing in IT, technology, marketing, PR, and
other related fields.
It is an international platform which is starting off with having 2 languages and publications
from the US, Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Belarus. With such international connections and
portals, clients can reside in any area. In the near future, they are planning on expanding to other
regions of the world such as Europe and Asia.
If you have any more additional questions, we would be happy to answer them at
[email protected].
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