Where have I been? Like most, Yours Truly has been self-isolating and pretending I’m working.
Advertising to Baby Boomers. For some reason, I haven’t been excited about this subject for the last few months. By the time I get my mask to fit properly without fogging up the glasses and slather on hand sanitizer I forget what I’m supposed to be doing. Then I turn and catch myself in the mirror and with those mask bands pulling on the back of my ears I look like Dopey.
Just a tedious list of things I’ve glanced at since the lockdown:
Boomers and millennials both love Apple and Amazon, but here are the brands they don’t agree on
Well, we’re also older than sixty-four, but who cares about anybody older than sixty-four.
Don’t Forget Baby Boomers Recognition Day
Nobody over the age of sixty can discern what’s on their smartphone screen with sunglasses on. Other than that, a perfect representation of this cohort.
Boomers Are the Future of AI and Virtual Reality, Not Millennials
A growing number of firms are developing tech targeted specifically at older people
Hmmm. They’re finally catching on. From my book ©2005 – the cover and pull-quote:
“It will be the Baby Boomers who will be the first to pick and choose, to ignore or be seduced by leading-edge technology marketing. There’s a simple reason for this. We have the money to buy this stuff. Experts say we’ll continue to have the money for at least the next twenty years. Write us off at your own peril.”
About Advertising but not
about Baby Boomers
Yesterday I tossed up an online course about creativity and advertising. Click the link to watch the introductory video. It’s a fun romp. If for no other reason, you can see how creepy and old I am nowadays: