BETC brings welcome storytelling to moribund EV sector

Who’d a thought it – an engaging EV ad. Instead of the usual guff – “running footage”as my old pal Jerry Judge once put it – of unlikely smoothies speeding along in mobiles disguised as cars, BETC Paris has produced a diverting spin on Spielberg’s iconic ‘ET’ for Citroen’s new ë-C4. Directed by Gary Freedman.

As ever, with BETC, there’s a twist.

Citroen CMO Federico Goyret says: “We wanted to play with classic sci-fi tropes as much as the audience’s emotions.You watch this wonderful relationship develop, see them working together to reach the mothership, and just when you think you know where the story is going – our adorable alien pulls off the ultimate betrayal, choosing the comfort of the ë-C4 over their trusted human friend. It’s heartbreaking and hilarious all at once.”

Pity Citroens, once synonymous with ground-breaking design, don’t look a bit more elegant but guess they’re after a different place in the market from when they used to chauffeur General De Gaulle.

Can’t blame the agency for that. Wonder if they’re planning a sequel?

MAA creative scale: 9.

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