Digital Marketing ConceptThe market is going through the most challenging times that we could have seen in our lifetime. The novel corona virus and the global standstill that it has caused have made the commercial world go on a dizzy spin changing the equations in almost no time. The physical markets have plunged into a low and the internet scene is seeing a never before buzz with the world thronging on it when it has nowhere else to go. This in turn has changed the marketing dynamics for the digital and non-digital marketing platforms. Check out these handy tips as we list out some DOs and DON’Ts to help you unlock and improvise marketing strategies to sail through corona lock down.



  • Engage into Influencer Marketing on the digital platforms


Probably now more than ever before, influencer marketing becomes one of the most effective modes of reaching out to people and letting them know about your brand is relatable.  The present condition of lock down has cornered the brand owners into bringing all their mainstream advertisements, events, exhibitions etc on a halt out of compulsion. In these times of cancellation and commercial retreats, influencer marketing that is done with relatable and relevant content can ease out the situation for the brands to a great extent. When a person, people or organization that is already credited with an expertise in a certain field come out to endorse your product and do its placement, it hits the right cords with your consumer generating substantial results.


  • Keep the bonding warm with your consumer through social media

Strategize your thread of posts, engagements and consumer experience to derive the most through social media in this prevailing market scenario. The physical lockdown is making the global community use the virtual platforms to connect, reach out, communicate, purchase, express and a lot more. Your active and engaging presence here in current times is critical to get you the attention of the potential consumers and keep your connect alive and kicking with the existing ones.


  • Invest your time in improving your online presence

When the global community already has a world of options to explore on the internet while staying locked down in their houses, you enhancing your online presence will give you the higher chances of getting noticed in the middle of the online crowd. This includes bettering your SEO to augment your chances to be found first in the search results to reach your consumer quicker than others, content marketing, email marketing, reshaping your website to make it suit the crisis related requirements depending on what kind of a brand you are heading etc. All this can eventually improve your ROI too.


  • Give PPC advertising a shot

Depending again on which business segment your brand belongs to and products you sell, now is probably one of the best times to go for the Price Per Click mode of advertising. The lock down gives your digital advertisement the much higher chances to appear in front of untapped but potential customer cluster. With a PPC in your marketing plan, you may earn an edge above your competitors.


  • Start penning out your future line of action for marketing

Use the lock down period as a blessing in disguise to do your market research that you wanted to do since long but couldn’t due to the time crunch. Do the analysis, study the data and metrics, evaluate your current performance, derive the first-hand insights and be ready with a sharply devised future plan of action when the crisis is over.



  • Avoid acting impulsively out of paranoia

Of course, this is a worrying time for the businesses but try to keep your head cool to have a realistic assessment of the present and future. Learn that patience is a virtue, more so for a brand owner! Find alternative ways of surviving without overestimating or underestimating the risks. Survive with a patient and practical mind which won’t make you regret later over having taken hasty decisions purely out of panic.

  • Don’t miss out on the opportunities to help socially

As a brand or an organization, stepping up to help people during such tough days has dual benefits to it. Such benevolent act doesn’t only satiate your humane instinct to make a difference for good in the society, but it is also one of the most subtle ways of marketing by being perceived as the responsible, approachable and contributing name. This generates a long-lasting goodwill which will make your existing and potential customer take pride in associating with you and having a better brand recall over the rest.

  • Refrain from being inflexible in your approach towards marketing

You can’t afford not improvising your marketing strategies and reworking on it as per the situation. This may include adapting your offers according to the circumstances, adjusting your ways to meet the changes in customer requirements, modifying your operations to stay relevant in the market etc. Denying revisiting your pre-corona marketing plans and lack of open-mindedness as well as flexibility towards making necessary changes may prove to be fatal.


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