I wasn’t there. If you want, you can read about why I wasn’t there:
76 Million Sociopaths Outed (HuffPo)
There are so many articles/blog posts floating around commemorating/condemning the event that I’ve OD’d. One more could do me in. This could be the one.
Advertising. I’ve written about how dumb it is to heavy-handedly invoke ‘60s stuff to reach Baby Boomers:
03 OCTOBER 2005
Invoking “The Sixties”: Fidelity Financial vs. Ameriprise
Two major financial planning companies, Fidelity Investments and Ameriprise, are all agog over Baby Boomers.
There are a dozen more subsequent posts, but I’ll spare you.
Barry Robertson has a take on it all (and he’s even more fed up than yours truly):
50 Years of Woodshtick
For the next week or so, prepare to endure the 50th anniversary of Woodshtick – the endgame of five long decades of punditry and pontification over a messy 1969 mudfest in upstate New York that, supposedly, defines the Baby Boom generation.
Now I’m off to a walk-in clinic to see if they have any sort of antidote for Nostalgia Overdose.