Using the ShareASale Product Discovery Bookmarklet, Baskets, and Make A Page Tools

Share and Comment has done an awesome job of putting out some great tools for bloggers over the past few years. If you were at the ShareASale ThinkTank this year I am sure at some point you saw some of these tools but maybe you weren’t able to get a feel for all they can do and how they can help you.

In the video below I will show you how you can use the Product Discovery Bookmarklet, the Baskets, and the Make A Page tools together to quickly and easily build out a product display unit featuring products you select. All in all it is about a 2 minute process once you get the hang of it.

The Product Discovery Bookmarklet tool allows you very easily take a product on the merchant’s site and get your affiliate link or add to a “basket”. The basket tool is basically a holding place for all the products you select. You can add 1 product or 100. It is totally up to you. Then using the Make A Page tool you can take your basket and build a great looking display of the products you can cut and paste into your blog posts.

In this example I have a post on my site about The 5 Best Father’s Day steaks and I wanted to put a display of all 5 of the steaks on it so I used the tools and built out a Gallery View Make A Page display which you can see at the bottom of that post.

Take a look at the video and let me know what you think of these tools and if you have any ideas on how you will be able to use them on your sites:

BTW, if you are want to feature some of these steaks on your Father’s Day blog posts sign up for their affiliate program. And yes, that is a 2 tier affiliate link. Or if you want some quotes or suggestions from a steak “expert” to use on your site let me know and I will be happy to contribute.

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