The 7th Trumpet by Apostle Michael Orokpo
Genesis 1:28 KJV
Some of the requirements of dominion in order to exercise government and governance over a system and over a territorial. Genesis 2 KJV, Genesis 3 KJV
- God created Man in his own image that is the glory of God. Genesis 1:26 KJV.
- God created make man in our own likeness – the righteous character of God
- The presence of God Genesis 3:8 KJV
- Genesis 2:9 KJV. God gave man life.
7 requirements for exercising God’s government in a system or in a territory
- Your ability to image God. To reflect Christ. Hebrews 1:1-3 KJV
Who do I look like? Do you look like the devil or your society or do you look like God? It is who you look like that you emit.
How to interact with the word
- Reading
- Studying (2 Timothy 2:15 KJV, 1 Timothy 4:13 KJV)
- Exhortation
- Doctrine
Dominion starts by looking like Jesus
7 requirements for exercising God’s government in a system or in a territory
2. Intimacy.
If you don’t have a deep walk with God, you cannot experience intimacy.
Your manifestation introduces you.
You exercise authority by being in the presence of God.
Your intimacy determines your influence.
Where are you standing?
7 requirements for exercising God’s government in a system or in a territory
3. The light you emit. John 1:1-5 KJV
What am I emitting?
4. The commissioning
Genesis 1:27 KJV, Mark 3:14 KJV
Questions you should ask yourself?
- Who do I look like? Do you look like the devil or your society or do you look like God? It is who you look like that you emit.
- Where are you standing?
- What am I emitting?