- Rural Mainstreet Index Expands for October: Bankers Expect Farmland Prices to Continue Decline | Creighton University
- DowDuPont to Record $4.6 Billion Charge as Agriculture Unit Suffers; The charge reflects the many challenges facing seed and pesticide makers | WSJ
- The rise of the robot farmer. Animals farmed, tiny automated machines, fewer chemicals, more efficient. | The Guardian
- Government payments were highest to commercial farms in 2016 (chart) | USDA
- Fish: The Final Frontier in Fake Meat.Companies are using new ingredients, machinery and technologies to make imitation tuna and salmon that taste, smell and appear just like the real deal | WSJ
- 3 farmers to plead guilty in organic grain fraud scheme | AP
- Chinese broadens its propaganda drive to heartland America | Yahoo Finance
- Colorado cracks a billion in annual marijuana sales in record time, generating $200M in tax revenue. Growth in popularity of edibles and concentrates drives sales | Denver Post
- Aerial photos reveal the hypnotic geometry of farming | Quartz
- EPA chief says agency can expand ethanol sales without Congress | Reuters
- Ankeny, Des Moines, West Des Moines among 136 cities, groups vying for USDA jobs as agency looks outside Washington, D.C. | DesMoines Register
- The Great Biofuel Swindle | Oil Price
- Transforming the global food system | Nature
- Wheat Outlook report | USDA
- The state of the Heartland fact book report 2018 | The Heartland Summit
- Marijuana is emerging among California’s vineyards | Wash-Post
- Perfecting Crops With AI-Powered Indoor Farms | WSJ
- Cottonseed safe for people to eat gets green light from USDA | WHNT
- Costco Becomes First Retailer To Control Its Entire Chicken Supply Chain | Harvest Public Media
- Heirloom plants for more food security | National Geographic
- Take Two Aspirin—and a Serving of Kale – Wielding food as medicine, hospitals are focusing on nutrition, sending patients home with prescriptions as well as bags of good food. | WSJ
Note that for your daily up-to-the-minute agriculture news, go to this site’s sister webpage, Agriculture News Daily.