Are you still on your farming “P Plates?” — RaynerAg

3: Do you have a clear idea of how achievable your goal is? In other words, do you really understand what you actually have to do to get to that end point? Do you understand the time you will need to put in? What are the other resources you will need to use?

4: Are you prepared to ask questions and not make assumptions? We all make assumptions. Everyone is guilty of looking over the fence and thinking of what you could do “since the next door neighbours seem to be going ok..” Don’t assume that what works (or doesn’t work) for someone will apply to you. Ask for help, seek some advice. Look for objective answers!

5: Avoid the DFO – DATA FREE OPINIONS !! These will come at you from every angle. From what type of cow you should have; to if you should breed or trade; when to sell and what products to use. Some DFO’s all be offered by people that you think you need to listen to (other producers; agents; retailers; butchers; the bloke in the pub / cafe). Some of their suggestions may have merit. BUT – you need to ask and check the facts first!

Just like learning to drive, when you are on your P plates, the opinions of older more experienced drivers don’t always apply. You ask questions and see how relevant that is to where you are as a driver. In time you might be able to take on a bit more. But dont feel you have to take on the DFO’s!!

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