One of the too many dangerous diseases of poultry is coccidiosis. It is a very deadly disease and requires a lot of practical work for prevention or cure.

Meaning Of Coccidiosis

Coccidiosis is an intestinal parasitic disease caused by a protozoa which attach itself to the intestinal lining of a chicken. This protozoa reproduces rapidly and has a life cycle of about 2-4days.
A sick bird, affected by coccidiosis disease in poultry farming.

What Are The Symptoms Of Coccidiosis?

The most common and accurate symptom of Coccidiosis is that affected chickens tend to drop blood-like faeces.
Some other symptoms includes:

  • Sticky yellow droppings
  • Abnormal weight loss
  • Inconsistent egg laying or maybe not laying at all
  • Loss of appetite
  • Also the birds may appear weak and not able to move around the pen.

Read more>> Broiler chickens feed (a practical view)
It is also important for you to NOTE here that the above named symptoms may also arise as a result of some other diseases, therefore, it is adviceable to always consult your veterinary doctor when you notice any symptom.

Preventions And Treatment Of Coccidiosis In Poultry


  • Coccidiosis is better prevented by a proper management of the poultry’s hygiene such as regularly cleaning of the pen and packing of litters more often (that is, in about every 2-3days)
  • Also proper fumigation/disinfestation of the pen before bringing in birds also helps in preventing coccidiosis


  • coccidiosis is better treated with the use of commercially produced drugs, thus, more adviceable to always go to the nearest vet. Store to purchase any of the commercially made drugs if you notice any symptom of coccidiosis
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