Oh my – the stories I’ve been hearing.
This post is for both ends of the transitioning persons.
You can do this without creating and living with regret.
Here are a few suggestions:
Do what you say you’re going to do – don’t make empty promises.
Show a little gratitude and appreciation for what was built in the past.
Give encouragement.
You can disagree without severing relationships.
Keep the business separated from the family.
Don’t spread your “issues” with other family members.
Be transparent. When you try to manipulate with secrecy there is nothing but mistrust being bred.
Put yourself in the other’s shoes – you know the Golden Rule – use it.
Don’t hang on to the past. Allow corrections to happen – without criticism.
Acknowledge your own insecurities.
Turn your eyeballs around and look at yourself before judging, criticizing, and complaining.
Realize and have your actions believe that tomorrow may never come.
Know that time is a thief and never returns stolen goods.
. . . to be continued . . .
If you have a story you want to tell anonymously, message me.