Groundwater issues come to the surface at Mid-South conference – National Agricultural Law Center

By Drew Viguet
National Agricultural Law Center
U of A System Division of Agriculture

March 19, 2025

Fast facts:

  • Bayou Meto Water District’s Ed Swaim will discuss groundwater at the Mid-South
  • Session addresses challenges to groundwater availability
  • Registration is online, livestream available

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. — The adage, “out of sight, out of mind,” does not apply when it comes to groundwater.

This below-the-surface resource is critical for the agricultural, industrial and community needs of the Mid-South region of the country and beyond. In 2005, Arkansas groundwater supplied approximately 7.5 billion gallons of water daily to the state, with almost 7 billion gallons used for irrigation alone, according to the Arkansas Office of the State Geologist.

Agriculture, a $24 billion industry in Arkansas, depends heavily on irrigation.

Edward Swaim, executive director of Bayou Meto Water Management District in Lonoke, Arkansas, emphasizes the importance of conserving and using groundwater effectively. Bayou Meto works to provide reliable and sustainable water resources for agriculture, conserve groundwater, and support long-term water use for farmers.

“Groundwater is foundational for Arkansas, the Mid-South region, and beyond,” said Swaim. “It supplies the majority of our state’s water that is used for irrigation. So, it’s vital for groundwater levels to remain constant, or rise, to meet the state’s growing needs. The demand for water is certainly not decreasing.”

At the 12th Annual Mid-South Agricultural and Environmental Law Conference, Swaim will present, “Groundwater Law & Agriculture in the Mid-South: Taking Stock of the Road Ahead.” The conference is co-hosted by the National Agricultural Law Center, or NALC, and the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture Foundation, or NASDA Foundation.

In a previous role with the Arkansas Natural Resources Commission, Swaim helped update the Arkansas Water Plan, of which a major component is groundwater allocation and efficient utilization.

“At the Mid-South conference, I will cover how Arkansas uses, measures and addresses challenges to groundwater availability,” Swaim said. “I will also cover what other Mid-South states are doing in this regard. There is a lot we can learn from each other.”

The conference will be held June 5-6 in Memphis, Tennessee. Before the main conference sessions on June 6, the annual “Beer & BBQ” networking dinner will be held on the evening of June 5 at Charlie Vergos Rendezvous. Registration and information is available at

To read the full news release, click here.


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