Yesterday, Saturday, the day before Easter our church had a community activity. We served lunch and had 16,000 candy filled eggs spread over the township park for kids to discover.
Farmer and I helped. The day wasn’t the best. 53°, cloudy, rainy, blghhh. Long underwear and umbrellas traveled with us to the park. Grilling and wrapping hundreds of hotdogs and hamburgers was our job. There were hundreds volunteering. Greeters, parking, safety, food servers, ice cream servers, bouncy house controllers and more.
What started as a cold, rainy blah day turned into a cold, rainy wonderful morning, and afternoon. Being with like people. People who wanted to create a fun, family, inviting experience for those in our community and beyond was an amazing experience. Many of those volunteering were there because they had attended one years before and now are part of our church.
Our goal was to bring in new and old from our surrounding areas to love on them and invite them to find the reason for what we were doing.
Normally our church has three services on Sunday but because it was Easter, and we knew there would be more and we had a Saturday night service.
So, Farmer and I went to the Saturday night service to make more room for Easter Sunday.
I was still cold from the event but for some reason had this feeling of excitement. When we pulled into the parking lot it was full! I never expected that many on Saturday night.
There was such a feeling of expectancy. The music was perfect. The message so simple, yet so explanatory that the excitement of being part of it was like waiting to open a birthday present when you were a kid.
To know that I am loved by the Creator of the Universe. The God of all things. The God that can do any and everything and has no impossibilities in his vocabulary. The God that loves me – he chose me to love. Among all the other wonderful, kinder, gentler, more noble people in the universe he still chose to love me – enough to suffer the worst death – just for me. And you.
When they took his battered, bleeding, disfigured body off the cross and placed it in the tomb it was for you and me. The price was paid. The debt was wiped clean.
But there’s more.
Three days later – the more – the Resurrection is still being felt over 2000 years later. The power of his overcoming death is still being felt all over the world. Healings, deliverance, comfort, guidance, companionship, and all needs felt by man are met by his resurrection power.
The joy of being in a full room of people hearing for the first time or being reminded of the power was palpable.
After the service Farmer and I switched out the white cloth on my cross with the royal purple of a King. It was still cold. It was still rainy. It was still miserable outside, yet the knowledge of the resurrection was singing in my soul.
So, while I appreciate and agree with Easter Sunday I want to carry the Resurrection power with me daily. To be reminded of it each day, not just on the Easter weekend.
I pray you discover the Resurrection power personally.
It’s for you.
You will never be the same again.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. – John 3:16
John 14:1–3
“Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.”