I’ve always been impressed whenever I’ve had amaranth, in cookies, and as a morning porridge. It grows in my state of Colorado.
I’ve always been impressed whenever I’ve had amaranth, in cookies, and as a morning porridge. It grows in my state of Colorado.
Tags: Agricultureagriculture newsAmaranthbiofuelsBoulderbrown eggsCattlecattle breedsColoradocommoditiesCORNcorn ethanolFAO food priceFarmfarmland pricesFoodfood and agriculture photosGardeningheritage breedsheritage pig breedsinfographicsIowalivestockmeatMeritsMidwestminiature cattleNebraskaold farm photosorganic farmingplant nutrient leaf deficiencysoybeanssustainable agricultureTuesday linksUSDAwater conservationwater saving technologyWheat
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