It’s so important that children know where their food comes from. And more important, it’s the truthful story. I love this list of the top 40 children’s book about where their food comes from.
I loved putting this list together. As a farmer, I selected books that share the truthful agricultural story with children. We all need to know where our food comes from and how it gets to their plates. The books are not listed in any particular order.
And, by the way, I am an affiliate for Amazon and if you purchase these books (for no additional cost) I will receive a very small commission.
Here is my TOP 40 List:
John Deere, That’s Who. Yes, John Deere is a real person. Back in the 1830s in the state of Vermont, John Deere started his journey of revolutionizing agriculture. What a great story!
Full of Beans, Henry Ford Grows a Car. I love this book! How many of you knew that Henry Ford loved soybeans and their byproducts such as plastics.
Right This Very Minute, A Table-to-Farm about Food and Farming.
From Wheat to Bread, Who Made My Lunch? Wondering how your bread is made? Where does it come from? This book is a celebration of food and farming and will inspire readers of all ages to learn more about where their food comes from—right this very minute!
Maple Sugar from the Sugarhouse. Who doesn’t want to learn more about turning sap into maple syrup?
Hey, Hey, Hay. Yes, hay is a crop that is very important to agriculture. While feeding her horses one cold and wintry day, a girl thinks about all the hard work that went into the fresh-smelling bales she’s using. The rhyming text and brilliant full-page paintings follow the girl and her mother through the summer as they cut, spread, dry, and bale in the fields.
The Girl Who Thought in Pictures, the Story of Dr. Temple Grandin. Dr. Grandin, who is autistic, has a very inspiring story.
Applesauce Day. Have you visited an apple orchard? Have you wondered how applesauce is made? Follow the story about how a family uses a special pot that has been in the family for generations to make applesauce. Then make your own applesauce!
Goodnight Tractor. Getting ready for bedtime has never been so much fun! These colorful books are the perfect way to help tiny ones wind down on their way to dreamland. One of my grandson’s favorite books!
Apples and Pumpkins. Kids really love growing pumpkins and eating apples. A young girl spends a glorious fall day picking apples and searching for the perfect pumpkin in this refreshed classic.
Thomas Jefferson Grows a Nation. Love history. Thomas Jefferson was more than a president and patriot. He was also a planter and gardener who loved to watch things grow–everything from plants and crops to even his brand-new nation.
George Washington Carver for Kids. His Life and Discoveries. Do you love history? George Washington Carver was a scientist, educator, artist, inventor, and humanitarian. Born into slavery during the Civil War, he later pursued an education and would become the first black graduate from Iowa Agricultural College. Suggested activities included.
The Apple Orchard Riddle. In this playful, humorous, and child-friendly classroom story, the students learn a lot about apples and apple orchards—including how apples are harvested, how cider is made, and what the different varieties of apples are—while trying to solve a riddle.
Time for Cranberries. Think Thanksgiving. From the cranberry bog to the Thanksgiving table, join Sam and his family as they harvest a classic American fruit. Do you know which state is #1 in producing cranberries?
Pumpkin Jack. I love this book. Imagine a book about a decomposing pumpkin. The first pumpkin Tim ever carved was fierce and funny, and he named it Jack. When Halloween was over and the pumpkin was beginning to rot, Tim set it out in the garden and throughout the weeks he watched it change. By spring, a plant began to grow!
From Seed to Pumpkin. This is a clear and appealing environmental science book for early elementary-age kids, both at home and in the classroom. Plus it includes a find out more section with activities such as an experiment to show how plants use roots to drink water from the ground and a recipe for roasted pumpkin seeds. Read aloud series.
From Egg to Chicken. Yes, the story from egg to chicken. Large illustrations and simple text describe what an egg is made of and how it hatches into a chicken.
Levi’s Lost Calf. From author Amanda Radke. Great book. shows young readers what life is like on a cattle ranch in Levi’s Lost Calf.
How Did That Get into my Lunch? The best part of a young child’s day is often opening a lunchbox and diving in. But how did all that delicious food get there? Who made the bread for the sandwich? What about the cheese inside? Who plucked the fruit? Where does your food come from? This book will tell you.
Up, Up, Up, It’s Apple Picking Time. In this hurried world, Jody Shapiro’s lovely book “Up, Up, Up! It’s Apple Picking Time” (beautifully illustrated by Kitty Harvill) captures perfectly the warmth of extended family life and the wonder of new experiences. It’s a simple story told in sensory-rich language; giving us red, green, yellow and pink apples, “cool and crunchy and sweet.”
Pigs and Pork. You will learn all about pigs and pork.
Let’s Find out about Ice Cream. Dairy farming. This book is about making ice cream. The learning objective was to see how a liquid can change state to a solid when it is frozen. We can thank dairy cows for ice cream
Meet Pete. Written by Jennifer Campbell. From the first second Emi Lou laid eyes on the newborn calf she knew he was special. She knew he needed extra care and she couldn’t wait to be the one to raise him. She named the calf Pete and spent hours in the barn with him on her family farm taking care of him.
A Seed is Sleepy. This gorgeous book from the award-winning artist Sylvia Long and author Dianna Hutts Aston offers children a beautiful and informative look at the intricate, complex, and often surprising world of seeds. Poetic in voice and elegant in design, the book introduces children to a fascinating array of seed and plant facts, making it perfect reading material at home or in the classroom.
An Egg is Quiet. This stunningly beautiful and wonderfully informative book from the award-winning artist Sylvia Long and author Dianna Hutts Aston makes for a fascinating introduction to the vast and amazing world of eggs. Featuring poetic text and an elegant design, this acclaimed book teaches children countless interesting facts about eggs.
The Life Cycle of a Tree. Follows the growth of a tree from the time it sprouts to the time it is mature and capable of producing new seeds. This work presents photographs and illustrations that accompany explanations of how seeds are produced; how different types of seeds look; and how trees benefit animals, people, and the environment.
Pumpkins by Ken Robbins. Readers of all ages will relish the beauty depicted in this colorful book about one of the most loved seasons: Fall. Travel out to the farm and reminisce with your children and grandchildren all the delights of harvest time on the family farm. This book is sure to please all ages and bring smiles to young and old alike.
The Magic School Bus Rides Again Robot Farm. Read about the technology farms use in modern agriculture. In this book you meet the class of the magic school bus, every page talks about a character, the character sketches are well written. Suitable for 7 and up ages
On the Farm, At the Market. On the farm, workers pick vegetables, collect eggs, and make cheese. At the market the next day, the workers set up their stands and prepare for shoppers to arrive. Amy, the baker at the Busy Bee Café, has a very special meal in mind and, of course, all the farmers show up at the café to enjoy the results of their hard work.
How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World. Absolutely love this book. A classic. An apple pie is easy to make…if the market is open. But if the market is closed, the world becomes your grocery store. This picture book takes readers around the globe to gather ingredients for a delicious apple pie. First, hop a steamboat to Italy for the finest semolina wheat . . . Explore the world as you look at the ingredients that make up an apple pie.
How to Make a Cherry Pie and See the World. Same concept as the “How to Make An Apple Pie and See the World.” What a great book to learn where our food comes from.
Something Good. A really fun book about wants and needs. Tyya is grocery shopping with her dad, but he’s not letting her pick any of the good stuff like cookies, ice cream, or candies. When she holds still and is mistaken for the best, most lifelike doll in the supermarket, an argument at the till leads her dad to buy something good after all.
To Market To Market. Known for art that celebrates the virtues of community, hard work, and living gently on the planet, Nikki McClure here explores a topic close to her heart: the farmers market. Alternating between story and fact, this lovingly crafted picture book follows a mother and son to the weekly market. Learn how our food moves through the markets and gets to your plate.
George Washington Breakfast. Yes, I am a history fan. Love the stories.
Farmer George Plants a Nation. This picture book for older readers focuses on George Washington as a farmer, inventor, and scientist. Infused with excerpts from George’s letters and diaries, the narrative makes a convincing case for Washington’s place as the nation’s First Farmer. Exploring our nation’s leaders and their agricultural backgrounds.
Tell Me, Tree – Trees shelter and surround us. Their leaves offer shade from the hot summer sun. In autumn, they dazzle us with color. In winter, they stand tall against a cold and snowy background. Trees may look solitary, but each one is teeming with life.
Where Food Comes From by Usborne Books. A very in-depth look at foods and where they come from. With over 90 flaps, the scenes in this colorful book show children where the food they eat comes from. They can discover food produced on farms, in the sea, and in greenhouses, and the importance of wheat, rice, and corn around the world. There’s a map with flaps showing where the things we love to eat, including chocolate, olives, and tea, come from.
Where Does Brocolli Come From? This colorful and playful guidebook introduces 102 veggies with full-color photography and charming illustrations. Learn fun facts from farm to table, vegetable seasonality, A book about where vegetables come from.
Sunflower House – Learn about sunflowers. Great book! Here is a lesson that goes with the book.
Before We Eat, Farm to Tahttps://amzn.to/3IF0xC3ble. Before we eat, many people work very hard―planting grain, catching fish, tending farm animals, and filling crates of vegetables. With vibrant illustrations by Caldecott Medalist Mary Azarian, this book reminds us of what must happen before the food gets to our tables to nourish our bodies and spirits. Learning how our food makes it to our table.