The first installment in this series can be found here.
With so many local, national, and international causes already being supported by your customers’ generosity, how can you compete with them and the businesses that sponsor them? Consider the following, which could help bolster your cause marketing program.
Make sure that the donation process is transparent
For each dollar that you collect, you need to show how and where these funds were distributed. Consumers who do not see any progress associated with the money they donated may very well choose not to donate anymore. Be sure to indicate on your website, in your promotional activities, and in-store that money collected helps to do great things.
Consider a cause that has a natural connection with your business
Image 1. Screenshot of the J. Lohr Vineyards website that details their mission to provide mammograms to women in need.
Or perhaps there is an environmental issue that greatly impacts your city/state/region. Sales from Crimson Pinot Noir, produced by Ata Rangi Vineyard (Martinborough, New Zealand) supports Project Crimson, “to protect and renew our spectacular red-flowering rata and pohutukawa – New Zealand’s iconic native ‘Christmas trees’.” Not only can consumers support the cause by purchasing this wine (Image 2), they can also purchase Northern Rata trees and plant them on their own property (Image 3).
Image 2. Label showcasing the partnership with Project Crimson.
More considerations on creating a cause marketing program to follow in part 3 of this series!