Workshop highlights advances in desert irrigation, tech on Feb. 27 – Food Blog

The latest in irrigation research and technology will be showcased at the Advances in Irrigation Tools and Technologies Workshop in Holtville on Feb. 27.

“This workshop brings together University of California scientists, irrigation and water industries, government agencies and the farming community to discuss advances in irrigation tools and technologies and provide a guide to smart farming choices in the low desert region,” said Ali Montazar, UC Cooperative Extension irrigation and water management advisor for Imperial County.

The workshop will feature 19 presentations on cutting-edge irrigation technologies and innovations and precision farming irrigation. The irrigation industry will exhibit the latest products and technologies. 

Presentations will include a reservoir and hydrology update for the Lower Colorado River and cover alfalfa water use, water conservation, emerging irrigation tools and technologies, the Imperial Irrigation District Water Conservation Program, the California Department of Foods and Agriculture’s State Water Efficiency and Enhancement Program, and Natural Resources Conservation Service Assistance Programs. 

The workshop, a “guide to smart farming choices in the Low Desert Region,” begins at 8 a.m. at the Barbara Worth Country Club, 2050 Country Club Dr., Holtville, CA 92250.

Workshop organizers have requested 5.5 hours of CCA CEU credits. To register, visit

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