The lower relative humidity associated with the cold, dry air of winter results in a significant increase in calls related to static problems. Luckily, EXAIR has a wide range of Static Eliminators that are designed specifically to address static issues in a wide variety of industries. Materials such as paper, plastic, or textiles will normally contain an equal number of both positive and negative ions. When subjected to friction, this balance can be disturbed if the atoms gain or lose an electron.
The static charge will then exert a force on nearby charged objects or grounded conductors (including personnel). These issues can also manifest in the form of dust clinging to product, product clinging to itself, rollers, machine beds or frames, material jamming, and sheet feeding problems. Our Gen4 Static Eliminators have undergone independent laboratory tests to certify that they meet the rigorous safety, health, and environmental standards of the USA, European Union and Canada that are required to attain the CE and UL marks.
One of these such products is the Gen4 Ion Air Cannon. EXAIR’s Gen4 Ion Air Cannon neutralizes static charges at distances up to 15 feet without any moving parts. Utilizing EXAIR’s 2” Super Air Amplifier, the Gen4 Ion Air Cannon will maximize ionized airflow while minimizing compressed air consumption. The strong, concentrated, quiet, and efficient ionized air is capable of eliminating a 5kV charge in as little as .37 seconds.

The compact design saves bench spaces and allows the Ion Air Cannon to be mounted in confined areas. The stand is pre-drilled for easy mounting, and incorporates a swivel adjustment to precisely position the airflow. Some examples of applications that have required the assistance of an Ion Air Cannon include: removing static from motorcycle bodies prior to painting, static removal on PCB boards and disposable diaper manufacturing.
With a wide variety of Static Eliminating products available to ship same-day from stock, don’t wait for your static problems to subside when humidity levels come back up in the spring. Get yourself a Gen4 Static Eliminator from EXAIR and make sure you’re able to operate, static-free, for the rest of this winter and in the subsequent seasons to come!
Tyler Daniel, CCASS
Application Engineer
E-mail: [email protected]