Here in Cincinnati we have officially hit static season. Highs in the low 30ies and lows in the teens mean the AC has been turned off and the furnaces are operating at full power. You can tell the air has a bit of a dryness to it. In fact, at home I just switched on the whole home humidifier as my RH was dropping and I was even shocked by a potato I was peeling for Thanksgiving Day mashed potatoes.
Just like our lips and hands can become dry and cracked, the moisture level in the air is also linked to static electricity. Cold air lacks the moisture that warm air contains. As winter temperatures drop, the air becomes drier, leading to a sensation of increased dryness. This moisture in the air is referred to as water vapor. Water vapor helps to dissipate electrical charges. When there’s less of it, your body retains a higher electrical charge. A higher charge results in more significant discharges. Therefore, it’s no surprise that during the winter months, you may experience more frequent static shocks, which can be a bit jarring when you touch a doorknob, your pet, or even, in my case, some potatoes.
Now, of course, you see this in your home life, but it also carries over to every manufacturing facility, as many processes tend to create static, so the dry air will only worsen the issues.

Static tends to propagate. The more contact, detachment, and friction that occurs, the higher the static charges. Even when the static is removed from the surface, static charges can still regenerate by the mechanisms above. So, controlling the static can be determined by the treatment process as well as the location.

To combat static electricity in your processes, EXAIR manufactures a complete line of Static Eliminators. Any of them are available to ship on the same day from stock to customers in the U.S. with an order placed by 2:00 ET (1:00 ET for same day shipments to Canada). We’re all tired now of receiving extremely long lead times for seemingly everything we try to order. That’s not the case here at EXAIR, if you need a solution and FAST give us a call!
Jordan Shouse
Application Engineer
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