When it comes to long-term travel, your packing list might look a bit different than it does for a short vacation trip. In fact, long-term travel can really force you to prioritize what you can really afford to bring with you.
With that in mind, here are five essential items for long-term travel that you absolutely should not go without.
Travel Insurance
You’re probably thinking ‘travel insurance’ isn’t exactly an item. But travel insurance still remains a vital part of long-term travel plans. Just as at home, you never know when tragedy or disaster could strike, and it’s important to be prepared for the unknown.
Very often, international travelers will balk at the thought–and the added cost–of insuring a trip. But a basic travel insurance plan can start at $150, and a comprehensive plan probably won’t get much higher than $2000.
A quick Google search turns up many companies offering travel insurance, so it’s important to do your research and find a plan that works for both your travel arrangements and your budget. But in the end, with so many options, you’re certain to find a plan that works for you, and the peace of mind it brings will give you a better opportunity to enjoy your trip.
Zipper Cubes
You may have heard of these before, considering they seem to consistently make their way on to every long term travel packing list—-but there’s a good reason for that. Whether you’re an organized sort of person who likes their suitcase to be neat and tidy, or you’re the sort of person who is constantly losing track of essential items in the mess that is your travel case, Zipper Cubes are the must-have long-term travel accessory.
Not only do zipper cubes keep your luggage nice and organized, many offer compression features that allow you to pack more, and the extra padding protects your luggage from damage while on the road. Plus, they come in different sizes to help you keep your clothes separate from your toiletries, and to maximize packing space in your suitcase.
Power Bank/Portable Charger
Even when you’re not traveling, your phone or laptop running out of battery can be one of the most frustrating day-to-day inconveniences. But since traveling has a tendency to up the ante of everything by a factor of about three, what might be only a minor travesty at home can be a major tragedy abroad.
If you’re traveling in a foreign country and using your phone to translate, get around, stay in contact with people back home, make daily itineraries and any of the other hundreds of functions that make smartphones so valuable a resource, you’re going to want to travel with at least one, if not more, portable chargers. Having multiples is nice because, of course, you have to charge the charger. One to have with you on the go and one to leave charging back at the hotel while you’re out is generally a good way to go, depending on the time it takes to charge the powerbank and how much power it can provide your device.
Noise Canceling Headphones
For short-term travel, noise-canceling headphones are a godsend on long flights to block out the drone of plane engines and the occasional screaming baby. But for long-term travel, they’re even more invaluable–the sort of item you don’t need until you do, and then you really do.
Whether you find yourself overwhelmed by the din of sight-seeing, or are having trouble going to sleep in a new place, noise canceling headphones are a must for long-term travel. They come in a number of different sizes, styles, and price ranges, so you’re likely to find one that perfectly suits your needs.
Wireless Portable Internet Device
Gone are the days of using travel to get off the grid. For the most part, being able to stay connected while traveling has been a good thing: travel has gotten much safer, and people are now able to take their job with them, working remotely while exploring the world.
But to do so, you have to be able to remain connected. Fortunately, there’s a device for that (thank you, Internet of Things!)
Teppy is a handheld, portable wifi hotspot with a six-hour battery life and unlimited daily wifi. Occasional travelers are welcome to rent a Teppy device just for the duration of their trip, but for long-term travel, there is also the option to purchase one.
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