The Agriculture Exhibition Center Corporation has officially finalized the purchase of approximately 500 acres along I-65 at Exit 280, setting the stage for the Alabama Farm Center at Hallmark Farm.
The closing of the land purchase follows the September 2023 announcement of a real estate contract between Jefferson County and the Alabama Farmers Federation. Since then, the project has gone through a due diligence phase, including the appointment and confirmation of the AECC board, which was confirmed by the Alabama Senate on Feb. 20 after the Legislature passed a bill last year establishing the Center’s governance structure.
Federation President Jimmy Parnell praised the progress. “The Federation is proud to have cast a vision for the Alabama Farm Center, and we appreciate Alfa Insurance and the Alabama Farmers Agriculture Foundation investing over $15 million into making it a reality,” Parnell said. “We are excited to see the AECC take the reins as others join in moving the Farm Center forward.”
The board is chaired by Parnell, with Thomas Ellis of Lowndes County serving as vice chair and Ralph Williams Jr. of Alabama Power as secretary-treasurer. Other board members include DeKalb County farmer John Starnes, appointed by Speaker of the House Nathaniel Ledbetter; Dr. Barrett Vaughn of Tuskegee University and Thomas Ellis, both appointed by Agriculture and Industries Commissioner Rick Pate; Elmore County farmer Joe Lambrecht, appointed by Lt. Gov. Will Ainsworth; and Jefferson County farmer Brad Fuller, appointed by the Jefferson County Commission.
Williams said the real estate closing clears the way for additional fundraising and site preparation. “Today is one we’ve been anticipating,” Williams said. “Many have shared the dream of a premier agricultural education and event center for Alabama’s young people and families to enjoy. The AECC is committed to bringing this dream to fruition. We are confident the Alabama Farm Center at Hallmark Farm will be a regional destination that will benefit Alabama’s economy, students and workforce.”
The Alabama Farm Center is expected to host livestock shows, equestrian competitions, rodeos, concerts, family-friendly entertainment and educational programming, including an annual state fair. Jefferson County Commission President Jimmie Stephens said the commission will continue to partner with the AECC to provide necessary infrastructure, calling the deal a “win for Jefferson County and the state.”
With the land purchase now complete, AECC leaders say they are ready to begin the next phase of development and bring the long-envisioned Farm Center to life.