Few issues in Alabama’s political history have been as destructive and absurd as the state’s ongoing gaming stalemate. What began as former Governor Bob Riley’s self-styled moral crusade—now infamously known as “Riley’s bingo wars”—has morphed into a decades-long battle that has derailed economic opportunities, crushed local communities, and served as a political stepping stone for ambitious attorneys general eager to play to the state’s conservative base.
For years, electronic bingo operated legally in Macon and Greene counties, bolstered by constitutional amendments that local voters approved to modernize the game and provide much-needed economic stimulus. Milton McGregor, the late owner of VictoryLand in Macon County, invested over $300 million to build a premier gaming and entertainment destination, complete with a hotel, restaurants, and a greyhound track. At its height, VictoryLand was an economic lifeline, employing thousands of Alabamians and generating significant tax revenue for the region.
Ironically, Governor Riley himself once presented McGregor with an award for his contributions to Alabama’s economy—a fact that makes Riley’s eventual about-face all the more dubious. In 2008, Riley launched his war against electronic bingo, suddenly declaring it illegal after years of state acceptance and regulation. His crusade relied on a ludicrous six-point test for determining whether a game constituted bingo, which was codified in the 2009 Barber v. Cornerstone Community Outreach, Inc. ruling. The so-called “test” reads more like a parody than a legal framework, and its rigid application has been used to shutter gaming facilities that communities voted to legalize.
McGregor died before seeing justice done in Macon County, but his family continues to work tirelessly to bring his vision to life. They remain committed to restoring gaming in Macon County, not just as an economic driver but as a symbol of the community’s resilience and determination. Their fight serves as a reminder that this issue transcends one man’s dream—it’s about an entire state reclaiming the opportunities that have been squandered for far too long. What McGregor’s family strives to achieve in Macon County can happen for Alabama as a whole.
Successive attorneys general have kept Riley’s bingo wars alive, using them to bolster their careers and score political points. Each new raid on a bingo facility, each new lawsuit, has been a photo-op and press release opportunity rather than a genuine effort to enforce the law. The hypocrisy is glaring. Neighboring states like Georgia and Tennessee rake in billions from gaming, pouring those funds into education, infrastructure, and healthcare. Meanwhile, Alabama clings to Riley’s outdated war, squandering billions of dollars and thousands of jobs.
In 2024, Governor Kay Ivey and Speaker of the House Nathaniel Ledbetter recognized the absurdity of this situation and pushed for a comprehensive gaming plan. Their proposal would have introduced a state lottery, expanded casino gaming, and legalized sports betting. The House passed the measure in just 42 minutes, reflecting the broad support for reform. Now, the Senate must do the same in the 2025 session, or the issue is likely dead for another decade. Alabama cannot afford another year—let alone another decade—of inaction while neighboring states continue to reap the rewards of gaming expansion.
The economic and social benefits of a comprehensive gaming plan are undeniable. Communities in Macon and Greene counties, decimated by the closure of electronic bingo facilities, deserve justice. The billions of dollars Alabama forfeits annually to neighboring states could fund education, repair crumbling infrastructure, and create jobs. Instead, Riley’s bingo wars and the idiotic six-point test remain a political albatross, serving only to enrich the few while leaving the rest of the state to flounder.
From the harm done to VictoryLand, Greene Track, and the Poarch Creek Band of Indians, it is clear that Alabama’s gaming stalemate has been fueled by political corruption, arrogance, greed, and hubris—all at the expense of economic progress and fairness. These entities, which provided jobs and revenue for their communities, have been unfairly targeted in a manufactured moral crusade that has left devastation in its wake. Political leaders have used Riley’s bingo wars as a weapon to score points and consolidate power, disregarding the livelihoods of thousands of Alabamians. This state has paid a steep price for these lies, and it is time to restore order, prioritize justice, and finally put an end to the bingo war deceit.
It’s time for Alabama’s leaders to break free from this relic of the past. Governor Ivey and Speaker Ledbetter have demonstrated the courage to lead on this issue. Now, the Senate must rise to the occasion and deliver for the people of Alabama. It’s time to turn the page on Riley’s bingo wars and embrace a future where Alabama can finally compete with its neighbors and invest in its own people.