The statistics for household childhood injuries are staggering. Over 3.4 million children experience some kind of accidental injury in the home each year. While there is no way to guarantee child safety at home, there are certainly many things you can do to help prevent accidents and injuries…especially during the holidays!
Here are some tips for keeping kids safe at home during the holiday season:
You might not realize this, but many plants commonly used as decorations during the holidays are considered poisonous and should be kept out of reach of children. These include mistletoe, holly, poinsettias, and Jerusalem cherry plants. Symptoms of plant poisoning can include rashes, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. If you ever think your child has ingested part of a plant, immediately call your pediatrician or the national poison control center at 1-800-222-1222.
This is something you must be extra careful to prevent during the holidays. Young children are attracted to all things bright and shiny…and this time of year there is a lot of bright and shiny! Things like tree ornaments, ornament hooks, light bulbs, tinsel and small toys are all potential choking hazards for small children because they may block the airway. If something is small enough to fit in a young child’s mouth, chances are it will find its way in! So, keep small items out of reach and watch little ones carefully!
Make sure your Christmas tree is very secure in its stand and can’t be pulled over easily. The last thing you want to find is your little one trapped under a fallen tree. And trust me, they will pull at it if given the opportunity.
Sadly, kitchen accidents increase during the holiday season. Many people spend a lot of extra time in the kitchen preparing special meals and baking sweets to share. Young children want to help…and they should. It can be a fun experience for the whole family! But be aware of potential hazards that can happen when you’re busy in the kitchen.
Again, while childproofing your home will not guarantee safety, it will go a long way toward protecting your children from injuries or worse. The peace of mind you will have knowing you have done everything you can to protect your children will be well worth the effort and time put into making sure your home is as safe as possible, especially during the holidays!
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