The BMJ – Conflicts of interest: moving
towards zero tolerance
Harmful industries still exert their influence over health professionals,
academia, and health systems; robust change is required, write Chris van
Tulleken, Nigel Rollins, and Rebecca Coombes
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NordAN – NordAN General Assembly adopts
resolution to protect Nordic alcohol control policy
At the 2024 NordAN General Assembly in Oslo on November 7, a second
resolution was adopted, building on a prior call for transparency and
accountability in global alcohol policy.
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World Health Organization (WHO) – A life lived in full: Denise’s freedom
from alcohol translates into enjoyment of life’s simple pleasures
“On a recent holiday, I woke up really early, went to the ocean and had a
swim at an empty beach. It was so beautiful, so freeing. Maybe that would’ve
been different if I’d had a few alcoholic drinks the night before,” Denise
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World Health
Organization (WHO) – Shaping the future of alcohol screening and brief
interventions at INEBRIA 2024
WHO/Europe is leveraging its expertise to highlight the potential of
screening and brief interventions (SBI) for alcohol use in different settings
at the 20th INEBRIA conference, taking place in Barcelona, Spain, on 21–22
November 2024.
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Sur in English (Spain)
– New study reveals alcohol drinking habits of the Spanish population
The frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages is a habit that is harmful
to health, yet it is regarded as a normal habit among the Spanish, and it is
also widespread, affecting all social and age groups in high proportions.
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PsyPost – High
school IQ predicts alcohol use patterns in midlife, study finds
A recent study published in Alcohol and Alcoholism reveals a surprising
link between intelligence in adolescence and drinking habits later in life.
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Medical Xpress (USA) –
Alcohol-related deaths in the US more than double from 1999 to 2020, overall
trends reveals
In the United States and globally, alcohol consumption is a major cause of
preventable death and disability and increases liver disease, mental health
disorders and accidents.
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Cancer Council
(Australia) – Concerning new data shows three in four Australian adults are
misled by health-related claims on alcohol labels
New research from Cancer Council Victoria’s Centre for Behavioural Research
in Cancer shows three in four Australian adults (75%) misunderstood at least
one health-related claim on an alcohol product, incorrectly believing that it
meant the product was better for them.
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Medical Xpress (USA) –
National survey shows millions of Americans hurt by others’ drinking, drug
The risks of alcohol and other drug consumption to the user are well known,
but many Americans—nearly 160 million—say they’ve been harmed by someone else’s
substance use, according to a new study in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol
and Drugs.
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Mental Health
Commission of Canada (Canada) – How Alcohol and Suicide are connected – A
Fact Sheet
The MHCC partnered with the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction
(CCSA) to examine what is currently known about the relationship between
alcohol use and suicide, who is most affected, and how to effectively reduce
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NordAN (Norway) – Launch
of a new support tool: “Alkoholpraten.no”
One in three Norwegians has been concerned about the drinking habits of
someone close to them. A new tool aims to help Norwegians start a conversation
about alcohol.
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Alcohol and Cancer – Alcohol
use contributes significantly to global liver cancer burden, study finds
A recent study published in the Journal of Clinical and Translational
Hepatology has highlighted the substantial public health challenge posed by
liver cancer attributable to alcohol use (LCAL) and hepatitis B (LCHB).
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Alcohol and Cancer – OECD
report: Lifestyle choices driving preventable cancer deaths in Europe
The OECD and European Commission’s Health at a Glance: Europe 2024 report
highlights a significant health crisis in the European Union, where preventable
lifestyle factors play a substantial role in cancer-related deaths.
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NordAN (Sweden) – CAN
report: The more alcohol – the more nicotine
The new report Self-reported alcohol habits in Sweden 2004–2023 reveals
that nicotine use is nearly twice as common among those who consume alcohol
compared to those who do not.
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FARE Australia
(Australia) – Launch of new health campaign ‘Be Nice to Brain’ in Tasmania
The Foundation of Alcohol Research and Education (FARE), in partnership
with the Tasmanian Government, has launched a new digital campaign highlighting
the link between alcohol and mental health.
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