Farmentry Kannazuki IPA – BeerTengoku

Farmentry Kannazuki IPA : Background

Farmentry Kannazuki IPA is a 6% American IPA from Farmentry, based in Nara, Japan. It’s part of their regular lineup, and is available in cans and on draught, though the latter may be hard to find at the time of writing. Each month, Farmentry uses a different hop profile and schedule, though they keep the base malts the same. This version of Farmentry Kannazuki IPA uses Amarillo, Citra, Cryo Citra, and Simcoe.

Farmentry Kannazuki IPA

At A Glance

  • ABV : 6%
  • Style : American IPA
  • Hops : Amarillo, Citra, Cryo Citra, and Simcoe
  • Adjuncts : –
  • IBU : 35

Sale Information

  • Availability : Regular
  • On Sale : August 2024
  • Size : 500 ml

Farmentry Kannazuki IPA : Appearance, Aroma, and Taste

Though it’s listed as an American IPA, with such a diverse range of styles within that bracket, the beer poured out more like West Coast IPA, with an amber golden tinge to it and a thin amount of white head on top. There wasn’t much life in the beer, though that’s due to the can being filled as a real ale version of this beer.

The aroma wasn’t as resinous or piney as the draught version that I had tried at the taproom a few months earlier. And that could have been down to this beer not being as carbonated as the draught version. The citrus notes were also dampened down somewhat, with the real ale aspect making everything hoppy less hoppy, and the malt more forward on the nose. There was a light caramel sweetness to the beer.

Moreover, the body had the same real ale aspect to it. Don’t get me wrong, I do like a nice ale to crush, but when it’s an American IPA, I find that the carbonation is key to making things pop, unless you go all in with the hops. Which Farmentry didn’t. The resinous notes, while present, lacked vibrancy; the citrus flavours, while apparent, lacked pop; and the malt sweetness, while noticeable, lacked staying.

Farmentry Kannazuki IPA : The Bottom Line

Try this beer on tap first as I preferred it more with some life to it.

Farmentry Kannazuki IPA : Where to Buy

It can be bought online at the following places:

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