Homemade Mead Review – It’s just the booze dancing…

Booze Dancing TV

On today’s Murder Table Tasting, we’re taking our lives into our own hands and trying a bit of homebrewed Mead which one of our college age boys concocted. While we’ve tried a Mead or two in our day, we’re far from experts, so this bit of banter is from a novice’s perspective.

For those of you that have never had Mead, here’s what it’s all about:

Mead (also called honey wine) is an alcoholic beverage produced by fermenting honey. However, if a winemaker adds honey to a wine made from grapes, this mixture can also be termed “honey wine.” It’s important to note, though, that grape-based wines sweetened with honey are not considered mead.

So honey, water, and yeast. That’s all it is. But is it any good, and did we survive the tasting? Click play on the above video to find out.

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