Monsieur Spade + Criminal Record + TV Show Whisky Pairings – It’s just the booze dancing…


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Crime sells, baby. So does sex, but we’re a family show and we don’t need anymore complaints. When it comes to tv and movies we like the gritty underbelly world of bad cops, good cops, perps, sketchy snitches, booze soaked detectives, corrupt city officials, mysterious phone calls, failing relationships, messy desks, pithy asides, random dudes hanging out on street corners smoking a dart, rookie cops who don’t know any better, and the entire breakdown of a civilized society. How can you not?

Episode 43 of What We Watch When We Drink digs into two new shows on the streamers. Monsieur Spade (AMC+) starring Clive Owen and Criminal Record (Apple TV+) starring Peter Capaldi and Cush Jumbo. Clive Owen plays Dashiell Hammett’s Sam Spade not happily spending his retirement in the south of France in the 1960’s. Capaldi (old cop) and Jumbo (young cop) are London detectives investigating one crime that just might be connected to an old murder case. Intrigued? So were we, so we dug into the first episodes of each.

Watching grimy crime dramas requires refreshments so we refreshed with some whisky and brandy(!) to get us through the gunshots, screaming, screeching tires, French and British accents, and dark shadows. You should too.

Download this one today wherever you get your podcasts and clandestine notes and voice mails, but remember, not everything is at it seems.

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