What's A Barspoon and Why Do I Need One To Mix Drinks?

Stainless steel bar spoon with long twisted handle and red end cap.

Barspoons Are Right At Home Behind Your Bar

Bar spoons are the most basic of bartending tools and essential starting equipment for your home bar. They’re typically just a teaspoon attached to a long twisted handle, although some are fairly ornate and may have handle ends designed for additional uses.

Measure, Stir, Scoop, Bruise, Muddle and Layer

The 11" stainless steel bar mixing spoon is one of the simplest gadgets behind the bar and has a number of uses. Measuring ingredients, stirring cocktails, scooping out fruits and vegetables, gently muddling components and layering drinks are all made easy with this handy piece of specialized silverware.

Bar Spoon Stirs Long Handled Twist Into Tall Drinks and Much More

A long handle is required to reach down in the bottom of drinks served in tall glassware like Collins, Mojitos, etc. and also does a pretty good job fishing bottled garnishes out of the jar. The twisting spiral shape is meant to aid stirring.

The working end of the bar spoon is of course what stirs the drink although you can flip it around and use the handle as a stir rod of sorts. You can also generally measure out a teaspoon, cut out fruit and vegetable sections as well as using as a muddler for bruising mint and other botanicals.

Finally, the spoon can be used to create layers in cocktails or cordials containing liqueurs of different specific gravities as shown in the red white & blue pousse-cafe chart for 4th of July drinks. Overall, its a very versatile bartending utensil which you will constantly be using.

Get one for your bar here.

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