Being an author of several books, it has become evident to me that writing a book is only a small part of getting readers.
There are a massive number of books out there, some are outstanding and others not so good.
The large volume of books in a category often makes it hard for an author to get his /
her book noticed and ranked. Finding a good source or service to help is
difficult because they all claim to be experts and what the others
produce is often garbage or plainly not good.
many of the professionals, while possibly good at, say, ‘children’s
books, or ‘romance novels’ they may know nothing about ‘technical
subjects’ or ‘health matters’ or even ‘politics’. The field of expertise of the promoter is critical for success.
The best reviews often come for real readers who are familiar with the topic
which again illustrates the difficulties of finding these readers.
the new book is ranked #1000 or #2000 in a topic, who is going to read
it? Who is even going to notice it. If it is not noticed or read, where
are the reviews going to come from? Who is going to tell people that
they should read the book?
It is easy for an author to be prejudiced
towards their own works compared to another’s but sometimes, they can
see where something stands out. For example, in the case of one of my
books, “Cancer Alternatives”, there is massive competition for the top
spots. Most people are buying #1 through #10 strictly because their
ranking implies that they are good yet, far better books may be way down
the list They may never move up without significant effort.
is a shame because while a children’s book or a novel may be for
entertainment, a book on cancer can make a difference in whether a
person lives or dies or in how long and how well they might live.
that my book is not only in need of a number of reviews, it needs to be found
by the people that it can help. our comments are appreciated.
Some related pages are:
Can Gerson therapy save you from cancer?
Acid-Alkaline, pH balance and cancer
Essiac Tea and the Cure for Cancer
Entelev, Cancell, and Cantron … Curing Cancer?
Parasite Zapping and the Zapper