An Education Beyond Four Walls

At school, a five-year-old becomes involved in her learning. Beyond academics, she learns to notice her breath, to feel the rhythm of her body — A gentle morning yoga routine that awakens the body and mind; or Sukshma Vyayama that consists of warm-up exercises to boost blood circulation and flexibility. Simple poses like Tadasana sharpen focus, while Katichakrasana help stretch muscles and improve posture. The practice concludes with Om chanting, creating a sense of calm and positive energy to start the day.

As she progresses, she uses pranayama breaks during exams, learns resilience, and stress management becomes a way of being instead of a “skill”.

For this journey to truly flourish, society plays a critical role. It’s not about grand gestures or proclamations. It’s about creating small, consistent spaces of support — these are the quiet architects of a society. It’s about creating an ecosystem where curiosity can breathe, where learning is a shared adventure.

This National Girl Child Day, let’s not just “save” girls. Let’s “listen” to them. After all, as Patanjali taught, “When the student is ready, the teacher appears.”

The girls are ready. Are we?

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