Covid-19 coronavirus cure

There has been a cure for the Covid-19 Coronavirus that is caused by SARS-2 Coronavirus but they are not telling people about it. In fact, they are hiding the truth because it takes away the profits from unnecessary vaccines. To-wit, while they are spending billions of dollars around the world on vaccine research, there has been a dearth of studies where vitamin D3 is being given to either prevent or to fight the illness.

There are studies that provide support for the importance of vitamin D3 in the prevention, suppression, and cure of Covid-19. A study that looked at 216 people with COVID-19 found that 80 percent didn’t have adequate levels ( 30 to 34 ng/ml which in reality is way low with optimum being 80 ng/ml ) of vitamin D in their blood. The medical industry does not get and does not want to get that for optimum health and the best ability to fight disease is a level of 78 to 80 ng/ml which few people attain. This same study also found that people who had both COVID-19 and lower vitamin D levels also had a higher number of inflammatory markers such as ferritin and D-dimer, which have been linked to poor COVID-19 outcomes.

Another study found that COVID-19 patients who had adequate vitamin D levels ( again, their idea of adequate is probably very inadequate ) had a 51.5 percent lower risk of dying from the disease and a significant reduced risk for complications. Some medical experts theorize that maintaining adequate vitamin D levels may help lower risk or aid recovery from severe COVID-19 for some people, though more testing is needed.

The results above are based on very minimal levels of vitamin D and some other studies indicate that having sufficient D ( 70 to 80 ) can reduce your chance of being hospitalized or even suffering death from Covid-19 by more than 90 percent. In fact, I submit that a person with a vitamin D blood level of greater than 78 ng/ml will have little chance of developing extreme Covid-19 symptoms and will have a far lower mortality than currently noticed.

Not only should people be taking sufficient vitamin D3 supplementation to raise their blood levels to optimum, anyone being diagnosed and showing significant symptoms should be given a significant dosage of vitamin D3 to fight and reduce symptoms from boosting immunity. This is not medical advice because vitamin D3 is not a medicine, it is a supplemental form of a substance that is needed by the body in order to preform normal functions. In other words, this is nutritional advice.

In another study, over 80 percent of 200 COVID-19 patients in a hospital in Spain were found to have vitamin D deficiency, according to a new study published in the Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. The study sees that Vitamin D treatment should be recommended in COVID-19 patients with low levels of vitamin D circulating in the blood since this approach might have beneficial effects in both the musculoskeletal and the immune system. It is also found that men have lower levels of vitamin D in their blood and higher mortality than women as well. Even further support is found that people who have darker skin also have even lower levels of vitamin D circulating in their blood and have even higher levels of mortality. COVID-19 patients with lower vitamin D levels also had raised serum levels of inflammatory markers such as ferritin and D-dimer.

A group of researchers in Spain reported the results of a small clinical study looking at intensive care unit (ICU) admissions and vitamin D supplementation. It is reported that the team gave one group of patients a supplementary high dose of calcifediol, a precursor molecule to vitamin D, in addition to a range of drugs to treat COVID-19. The other group did not receive calcifediol. The results were notable: “Of [the] 50 patients treated with calcifediol, one required admission to the ICU (2%), while of [the] 26 untreated patients, 13 required admission (50%),” the researchers reported. This shows that giving sufficient vitamin D can save lives and reduce the cost of hospitalization.

In other studies, it has been found that higher rates of COVID-19 infection and death in areas where people have lower levels of vitamin D in their system

I want to note here that while it is not advised, some people take as much as 50000 to 70000 IU a week, this is extreme and the blood levels should be frequently monitored. On the other hand, the 600 IU a day that is currently recommended is literally a vitamin D starvation diet when if comes to reaching optimum levels.  In the summertime, it can take 8 hours a day sunlight exposure to bare skin in areas near Miami Florida to reach optimum levels.

From October through December, I like to take 4000 to 5000 IU a day but in January through February, I like to build up to 7000 IU even 8000 IU a day. Just my personal choice and of course, it depends on how much sunlight that I get.

Also when supplementing, it is important to combine vitamin D3 with vitamin K2.

Some other supplements that may be beneficial in fighting Covid-19 and other viral illness are vitamin C, zinc, copper, and selenium. 


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