Covid-19 It came from Wuhan Not Done Yet

 Interestingly enough, over the late summer and early fall of 2019, satellite images show an increasingly number of vehicles at hospital parking lots in Wuhan China.

Also, there are videos of the populace in Wuhan at the same time and almost everyone was wearing masks. Two questions about this are why, and why did they not stop the spread?

At the end of December 2019, it was reported the Chinese health authorities stated that they were investigating 27 cases of viral pneumonia in the central city of Wuhan. Rumors on social media suggested the outbreak could be linked to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).

Reports suggest that the first known patient to fall ill with coronavirus was a vendor in the Wuhan animal market. However, there may have been other unreported cases. It is currently highly suspected that the source may have been the Institute of Virology in Wuhan that was nearby.  We do know now that there was gain of function research being performed at the Institute although a lot of information and evidence has been hidden, lost, or destroyed.

On 12 Jan 2020, the CDC said that all was under control in Wuhan China with 1 death and 41 reported cases and 9 recoveries. The death was found to have underlying conditions. No restrictions were suggested. Shortly after that time, over 60 Million were reportedly quarantined.

As of mid January 2020, sources in Taiwan reported roughly 2000 cases in China with 56 fatalities and 49 recoveries. That means of 104 cases cleared 56 deaths resulted which is about 53 percent mortality.

This is in a 2 week time period. If you think that this was scare mongering, then think again. This was fair warning! At this point in time, I posted: “If it shows up near you you should be prepared to shelter for the long term duration if you want to survive.

While FEMA response has improved do you really want to put your life in their hands? They have a stockpile of over 20 million caskets.

The US can build a 5000 patient emergency hospital in 2 to 5 days, what will you do when it reaches 10,000 cases a day, or 20,000 cases a day?

I am sure that they will be offering all kinds of vaccines just hoping for a good placebo.”

Previously, I posted a warning about the risks of rushing vaccines.

Yes, all of this can be scary but, really, would you want to find out when it is to late to do anything? Or, would you want to buckle down and prepare as best as you can?

I also posted “Yes, I pray that this stops in its tracks and just disappears but if it does not, I can stay where I am. The power may go out, the water system may stop working, The trucks may stop delivering goods because the drivers are gone, the stores may close.

Really, we should all think about, if this happens, what will the world be like around us.”

I also claimed “As a word to the wise, in a case like this, the heaviest toll is among the health care workers. The hospitals will likely have to close up.” This literally happened as only extreme emergency allowed entrance to many hospitals. The wards and corridors at some points were full of Covid-19 patients.

My wife and I have both had Covid-19 at least 4 times. I was never tested for it while she did get tested once and was confirmed positive. She almost died as a result but staying out of the hospital and using a non-approved device helped both of us survive. Using a multi-frequency low voltage pulsed electric field was a significant help in my opinion.

Cases are now way down and likely at the lowest level since the start of the outbreak. Do not allow yourself to be lulled into complacency. This virus continues to mutate and new strains are constantly appearing. At some point, this is likely to come back again with a vengeance. I suspect that the worst affected will be the vaccinated because in the long run, this actually weakens your immune system as well as the ability of the immune system’s ability to react.


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