Crystal Grids Power 2 Release: Should you get it? What you need to know about my latest book. Learn what’s inside the long-awaited second volume of this series. Plus, WHY it took so long to write and what’s next for me…
Crystal Grids Power 2 Is Here!
I’m honestly so excited to release this book to the world at last. If you’re reading this you probably have the first book, Crystal Grids Power. The new book is a follow-up and second volume in the series.
It’s not a 2nd edition or a replacement for book one. So you definitely need to read book 1 first for it to make sense.
Since I published this blog post I have made a YouTube video covering everything about the book. You can just read this blog post but the video allows me to show you the different parts of the book and talk a bit more about things if you prefer:
Why I Wrote A 2nd Book On Crystal Grids
Crystal Grids Power changed everything for me as an author. I explain more about this in the new book. It’s my most popular book and it’s the one readers tell me they love and refer to often. It was recently featured in Mystic Mag’s must-read intutive and spiritual books.
It was released back in 2017 and I’ve had a lot of feedback and questions about it since. The first volume of Crystal Grids Power was written to be accessible to beginners. It takes you through the process of learning something that is more intermediate to advanced in crystal healing.
There’s so much more I could have said but I didn’t want to overwhelm readers in the first book. Crystal grids are one of my favourite ways of working with crystals. Since I wrote book one, I’ve developed many new crystal grids and worked with different sacred geometry shapes and symbols.

“I’ve listened to what you asked for, from types of crystal grids to sacred geometry and so a new book was born“
It’s A Very BIG BOOK…
The first book in the series was 192 pages and 31,027 words. Crystal Grids Power 2 is 360 pages and 76,750 words long. It’s the largest book I’ve written and contains DOUBLE the information of book one! It’s like you’re getting two crystal grid books in one…
It needed to be this big to allow me to go more in-depth and to bring you more sacred geometry symbols and knowledge, crystal shapes and more choice of crystal grids.

What You’re Getting in Crystal Grids Power 2:
57 new crystal grids organised into 11 intention-based categories
45 sacred geometry shapes and symbols explained in detail
The meanings of 83 crystal shapes and forms
Every grid has suggested but optional crystal shapes
Even more substitute stone options for all crystal grids
A quick directory of crystals and geometry to create your own grids
FREE printable crystal grid templates to download
Powerful New Crystal Grids For:
Charge Water or Items, Attract Opportunities, Release The Past, Reveal The Truth, Full & New Moon Intentions, Peaceful Home, All Seven Chakras, Anxiety Relief, Mercury Retrograde, Fertility, Heart Break Healing, Empowerment, All Four Seasons, Archangel Michael, Transmute Negative Energy, Release Limiting Beliefs and many more…

Go DEEPER Into The World Of Crystal Grids
Like the first book, Crystal Grids Power 2 is written like a course and a helpful sourcebook. I’ve made it even easier to use. The info is broken down in more clear ways to make things easier to understand and reference later.
I’ve included updated and expanded information on sacred geometry shapes and symbols. Each symbol now lists the type of crystal grids that would work well with it.
NEW In-Depth Information, Including:
Explore more crystal grid history and origins
Harness the power of astrological time and moon phases
A new ‘Conscious Connection’ crystal grid activation method
How to create a sacred space for grid work
Discover the benefits of different crystal grid bases, boards and cloths
Explore the hidden energy fields of crystal grids
More tools and tips to enhance your crystal grids
A directory of intention-based incense and essential oils
Master manifesting with positive mindset tips and techniques
You can buy Crystal Grids Power 2 HERE. I will add more stockists in the future as it becomes more widely available here. Please note that as an Amazon associate, I earn from any qualifying purchases. Thank you.
If you have read my new book please leave an honest review on Amazon. I am very grateful!
Why Did It Take Me So Long To Write?
After the Crystal Grids Power 2 release, you might be wondering why it took so long. Hopefully, you can see above the amount of in-depth information my new book contains. This book needed lots of research for the new sacred geometry and symbols.
I used 28 books for research and reference. These are all listed in the Bibliography and Recommended Reading section at the back of my book. Formulating and designing more grids takes a lot of time. It was almost like writing two books in a row.

While I was writing it we had a pandemic and all the disruption that followed that… I needed to focus, while everything seemed to be falling apart. At times, I felt overwhelmed by the size of the project.
I was pulled between a few different projects too, including my crystal oracle and guidebook, and two other potential oracle deck ideas. I didn’t want to That’s why I had to put the oracle on pause.
I was also hit by a lot of things that caused my free content here and on social media to not reach you or potential readers. Algorithm changes on every platform caused a lot of extra stress and worry for self-employed people and small businesses.
Each book released is a gamble. I spent years on a book but what if it doesn’t do well? I am past all this now and that’s why it all came together in the end. I learned a lot of lessons from this 4th book and will do things differently next time. I am excited to see what you think.
I Discovered A Block To Finishing My Book
I recently went into my Akashic Records and discovered one of the subconscious blocks to finishing the book. I realised I felt guilty about not getting another book out sooner to my readers. I cleared the energetic block and limiting belief and the book came together fast!
What’s Next For Me?
After the Crystal Grids Power 2 launch, I’ll be focused on promoting it for a month. This stage is vital for any book to be found. I have a massive to-do list for the new book, there’s so much I need to update online and create for promotion.
After that, I might need a short break, depending on how I feel. Then the next thing I want to give my full attention to is my crystal oracle card deck.
I need to edit and update the Oracle guidebook. Then I need to approach the potential illustrator and publisher and get the cards professionally illustrated. There will be a lot of design work to do and the guidebook will need more editing based on the publisher’s editors.

Then, After That…
Depending on how that all goes and how much work it involves, I can then move on to something people have asked for. Now that I have better skills in filming, editing and speaking on camera (thanks to my YouTube channel), I feel ready to create a course.
I have a few ideas and it will take a lot of planning and work before that comes together. As for the next book, I honestly have no idea what will be next but I know the right thing will come to me nearer the time.
Who’s read any of Crystal Grids Power 2? I would love to hear from you in the comments below (PLEASE keep any questions you have concise and stick to this blog post topic if you want a response).
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With gratitude,
P.S. If you feel I have helped you and you want to support me you could share this post, check out my books, leave an honest book review. Thank you!
Copyright © Ethan Lazzerini – The text and photos should not be used or appear elsewhere without permission from the author Ethan Lazzerini. You can share links to it but don’t copy it! Thank you.