Cultivate Connectedness and Balance with the Alexander Technique — Allyna Steinberg

We are equally our bodies and more than our thoughts. Then, why not consider thinking the sixth sense?  This puts our other senses – sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing – on an even playing field with our thinking.  And it gives us a powerful opportunity to drop into our senses when our thinking takes over or as a regular practice for living with love.

What daily ways do you already have of dropping into your body senses?  Enjoying the smell of your morning cup of coffee or tea or favorite breakfast? Your morning shower? My list of daily sensory moments covering the five senses include waking up with extra minty toothpaste (taste), taking in the colors of the art on my wall (sight), noticing how my clothes feel on my skin (touch), breathing in the aroma of essential oil (smell), and listening to a song with a good harmony (hearing).   Take a minute and see if you can think of the daily ways you drop into each sense: sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing.  And then I will share ways to use those experiences to deepen the love they give back based on the Alexander Technique.

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