DIY Essential Oil Rub To Avoid Holiday Sniffles


Here is a simple DIY essential oil rub that you can use this holiday time of year! When candy and baking are too plentiful, this can give you that extra immune boost you need!

I still remember my daughter lying on the couch on Christmas day listening to the rest of the family enjoy the festivities in the other room. A very not-so-merry virus had hit her and she wasn’t enjoying the holiday much. And I was right by her side sharing in her misery because that’s what moms do.

Things could have been worse and I’m a firm believer that we can find something to be thankful for in every situation, BUT I like my children to be well as much as possible, and especially when they are looking forward to an event, such as a holiday!

My children do take vitamins, homemade probiotics, immune herbs, and eat healthy foods to support their system, but I also like to incorporate essential oils!

I’m going to share a simple DIY essential oil rub that you can use especially this holiday time of year when candy and baking are plentiful and your kids need that extra immune boost!

DIY Essential Oil Rub For the Holiday Sniffles

Let’s first talk about the power of these oils!

Clove Essential Oil

Use to relieve nausea, fight germs and bacteria. Buy here

Do not use this oil under age 2.

Lemon Essential Oil

When I think of lemon oil, my first thoughts go to its awesome smell and how great it works in homemade cleaners and room sprays, but this oil is also a good choice for illness! It’s a disinfectant, and it promotes lymphatic drainage, which helps you get over colds faster! Buy here

Cinnamon Essential Oil

Besides smelling like Christmas, cinnamon essential oil is also cleansing, relaxing, and helps support the respiratory system. Buy here

Do not use on children under age 10.

Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Eucalyptus is a great disinfectant, and also relieves colds and stuffy noses. Buy here

Do not use under age 10.

Rosemary Essential Oil

Rosemary relieves congestion and coughs, as well as having antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. It is said that judges in the middle ages burned rosemary to ward off any illnesses that people may bring to the place of judging. Using the essential oil has the same benefits! Buy here

Do not use on children under 10.

Tea Tree Essential Oil

This oil contains terpinen, the active ingredient responsible for the antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties. Tea tree oil is probably the first essential oil I was introduced to years ago. We still use it to protect ourselves from viruses, bacteria, and mold by inhaling itBuy here

eo rub

Immune Essential Oil Blend


20 drops clove essential oil
15 drops lemon essential oil
10 drops cinnamon essential oil
8 drops eucalyptus essential oil
5 drops rosemary essential oil
5 drops tea tree essential oil
6 oz. carrier oil (such as coconut, olive, jojoba, sweet almond, etc.)


  1. Blend ingredients in a dark glass container.
  2. Rub on soles of feet, chest, etc. to prevent and help heal illnesses.

Which essential oils do you use to help the immune system?

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