Our little Extras became more than we expected. Originally they were going to be a single recipe with a note, or perhaps a puzzle and a tea blend to try. Maybe a short video showing how to do something… It was never quite that simple though, Not a one was ever that small.
In this issue, we had a great discussion of what wild food and medicine plants are available right now, in Rebekah Bailey’s ongoing series “A Year in Foraging.”
I wrote about how wet it’s been here and how it has effected the garden.
We included our favorite recipe and instructions for elderflower fritters.
AND we had a crossword puzzle and a word find puzzle.
Not a bad little tidbit.
The Extras are only available to subscribers.
We put the first 2 years together in (and we’ll be needing to change this title) ALL THE EXTRAS,
and after the new year we’ll be putting together another 2 years.
That’s the only way you can read them if you aren’t a subscriber.