Listen To Vivien’s Stone Report on Sunstone above
Hello and welcome back to The Schapera Show. This is the part of the show where I, Vivien, talk to and about stones and our mineral guest today is Sunstone. Why Sunstone? Because last time we talked to Scolecite, and I mentioned that I combine Scolecite and Sunstone for the rather excellent effect of dissipating the “wet blanket” that accumulates on our energy field due to the dynamic called “empathic resonance.”
Sunstone says we should begin by going over “empathic resonance.” As human beings, when we are functioning within the normal range of the bell curve, we are designed to empathize with our fellow humans. Empathy means that we can identify and resonate with a fellow human’s emotions – in a nutshell, we can feel what another is feeling. When the empathic resonance is one-on-one, it should be mild enough to manage just via recognizing that the emotion belongs to another (or it’s an overreaction). But, when the collective is feeling an emotion, let’s say like disappointment, en masse, then an empath is going to get swamped by these feelings of disappointment. This “swamp” is like a wet blanket on the energy field and prevents the free flow of energy up and down the chakra system. Last time we talked about Scolecite’s contribution to dissolving the wet blanket and this time we’re going to talk about Sunstone’s contribution.
As I infuse the Sunstone/Scolecite combo into the first layer of the energy field, which is done by rubbing the stones on the physical body (incidentally you can do this for yourself at home), I can literally feel the flow of energy begin to ease from the second chakra toward the feet and rise from the second chakra toward the head. This is a remarkable sensation and it is accompanied by a kind of sigh in the energy system, similar to the involuntary sigh we make upon lifting a heavy box. At the same time as the energy system sighs, the client’s face falls into a smile. This is lovely to watch and it gives me a kick every time.
When I consult Melody’s Love Is in the Earth Encyclopedia, she certainly does report that Sunstone has the capacity to refresh and enliven the chakras, as I have witnessed, as well as gently removing “the ‘hook-ups’ which have infiltrated the energy centers.” (p. 771) I have to admit that I get a special feeling of satisfaction when my own observations align with what Melody has to say, because it is very affirming. I think I should add that it isn’t because this is “affirming for me as a person,” it’s affirming that I am receiving clear and correct messages from the crystals.
These reflections come as I tune into a specific form of Sunstone – Sunstone that has copper in it creating an added, shimmering effect. I have an excellent lingam of this material which I have been tuning into, and now I want to look specifically at what Melody says about it. Sure enough, here’s what Melody says: “This mineral has been used to balance the electrical and magnetic energies of the body, assisting in the elimination of energy blockages and elevating the flow of energy and life force throughout the body.” (p. 773)
I think when it comes to these metaphysical conversations, we should always remember just how easy it is to make up stuff and claim that it’s “channeled.” This is of zero use to me as I develop Crystal Surgery – I need accurate information and techniques that others can confidently replicate. Empty claims are destructive to credibility and destructive to building a useful body of knowledge.
I have noticed that Sunstone is one of those stones where the bigger the mass, the stronger the effect. My Sunstone lingam is quite big and heavy, but it is really, really comfortable to use despite the weight. In turn, it really gets the energy moving fast. If you have a smaller stone – like even a tumbled stone – you can still use it, but be patient as it will take a while longer for the effects to get going. By the way, this capacity of Sunstone to get things moving is useful for those who have IBS and constipation, because Sunstone has a very strong alignment with the physical body. This strong capacity to rapidly affect the physical body gives Sunstone the capacity to relax the bowel, and get it moving.
When I ask Sunstone what message it wants to share with you today, it says: “Please tell everyone that my power comes from being able to link the second and third chakras in a way that gets them to combine and synergize their energies. There are so many dynamics that cause a blockage from the second to third chakras that these chakras never progress to a unified, empowered functioning.
“In your world, you say: ‘the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.’ Correctly combining the energy of the second and third chakras enables an expanded range of functioning that is so phenomenal, you can’t even imagine what it’s like.”
Well, I certainly can’t leave Sunstone’s message on such a cliffhanger! I have to press for more information, so I ask Sunstone: “Can you explain more?” and Sunstone points out to me the crystal combinations of Sunstone that I am using – Sunstone in Sodalite, Sunstone in iolite, Sunstone with Moonstone. Then Sunstone explains: “You see, the solar plexus is the seat of the will and the relationship with Self. Think about what happens when your will is strong. Think about what happens when your sense of self is strong. You’re unstoppable, right? Add that unstoppable ingredient to any dynamic and you have seriously altered the playing field, right? Well, that’s what I’m talking about!”
Oh, my word! I’m going get that little Sunstone lingam and keep it in my pocket. I like the idea of becoming unstoppable.
Thank you, Sunstone, for this wonderful contribution and for these excellent insights. Everyone, you have been listening to The Schapera Show, where Viv and Neil explore this big adventure called Life, please join us again next month.