Hypersensitivity to cold is also known as cold intolerance. Everyone feels cold in winter due to a decrease in the temperature in the environment. Those who face cold intolerance feel cold all the time no matter what the season. Cold intolerance may be attended with shivering, besides other features like numbness; pale, red or bluish skin discoloration; pain; stiffness and swelling. Persons with low body fat are usually predisposed to it. Deficiency of vitamin B12 may also be a reason. Other medical reasons could be responsible for this. First among these is anemia. Anemia refers to a condition in which there are not enough healthy red blood cells (RBCs) to take oxygen to different body tissues. Other signs and symptoms of anemia include pale skin, tiredness, headache, dizziness and shortness of breath. Another cause can be hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism means an underactive thyroid which is a condition where thyroid gland is unable to produce enough thyroid hormones usually required in the body to function properly. This results in many signs and symptoms. Among these, hypersensitivity to cold/cold intolerance is an important one. Other signs and symptoms include weight gain, tiredness, puffiness of the hands, feet and the face, constipation, sleepiness, hair thinning, muscle weakness, joint pains, depressed feeling, decreased desire for sex, heavy menses in females, voice hoarseness and numbness in the hands.
Another reason can be Raynaud’s disease. It refers to a condition whereby the fingers and toes tend to become cold and numb from exposure to cold temperature or stress. This may occur due to spasm and narrowing of blood vessels that reduces the blood flow to the hand and toes. Firstly, the fingers and toes become pale white and afterward, blue and red. Hypothalamus disorders can be another reason for hypersensitivity to cold. Hypothalamus is a part of the brain that functions to regulate body temperature so any disturbance in its functioning could lead to cold hypersensitivity. Anorexia is yet another cause. It is an eating disorder in which the sufferer undergoes food restriction and eats small quantities of food due to fear of gaining weight. As a result, he/she suffers weight loss which reduces body fat that makes them prone to cold intolerance. Another cause may be fibromyalgia. It is a condition that causes pain in different body parts at specific tender points accompanied by tiredness, memory issues, sleep problems and a depressed feeling. Cold intolerance may also be seen in cases of lupus/SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus). Lupus refers to an autoimmune disease in which healthy tissues and organs in the body become inflamed. They are damaged by the body’s immune cells that otherwise help in fighting infectious agents that cause diseases. It may lead to sensitivity to cold along with other main signs and symptoms. These include a butterfly-shaped rash on the face over the cheeks and bridge of the nose, joint pains, tiredness, fever, headache, and memory loss. Cold intolerance can also occur in cases of diabetes.
Homeopathic Management
Homeopathy can be of great help to people who have hypersensitivity to cold. Homeopathic medicines to manage such cases are natural remedies that help in these cases by working to treat the root cause behind it. Along with managing cold intolerance, they also help to relieve any attending signs and symptoms as well. The most suitable homeopathic medicine for these cases is selected after taking into consideration the characteristic symptoms in every individual case. So it is advised to get your case evaluated by a homeopathic physician for the right prescription. In no case, self -medication should be done.
Homeopathic Medicines For Hypersensitivity To Cold
1. Calcarea Carb – Leading Homeopathic Medicine
Calcarea carb is a top recommended medicine for managing cases of hypersensitivity to cold. Those needing this medicine have cold intolerance and a tendency of increased sweating. The cold and sweat are marked on the feet. Sweating on the head is also very prominent. The sweat may smell sour. The chilly feeling gets worse when one comes in contact with water. Body aches may occur from exposure to cold wind where this medicine is required. Numbness may be felt in the body parts on the side that a person lies down on. There is a tendency of becoming fat, obese and overweight. Calcarea carb is a major homeopathic medicine for hypothyroidism cases to manage its various related symptoms.
2. Hepar Sulph – For Cold Intolerance With Sensitivity To Draught Of Air
Hepar Sulph is a very prominent medicine for persons who always feel chilly. They are very sensitive to even the slightest draught of air. They tend to cough frequently as soon as exposure to cold air happens. Even if hands and feet get uncovered, it leads to a cough episode. There is a tendency to be wrapped up to the face even in hot weather. They are prone to recurrent cold and sinus infections from cold air exposure. In such cases, they get thick yellow nasal discharge. The nose swells and there is pain at the root of the nose along with soreness. This medicine is also indicated when cold intolerance gets worse when suffering from some health illness.
3. Silicea – For Cold Intolerance With Cold Hands And Feet
This medicine is well indicated for people who always feel cold. They have cold hands and feet all the time. This condition gets worse in winter. They feel chilly even while exercising. Generally, they sweat heavily. They have offensive sweat on their hands, armpits and feet. They also feel exhausted very easily from doing small chores. They also have unhealthy skin prone to easy pus formation from the slightest injuries.
4. Psorinum – For Extreme Chilliness
This medicine is highly recommended to those who feel extremely chilly and are intolerant to cold. They want to cover themselves up with warm clothes even in summer and the hottest weather, especially the head. They are fearful of cold air. They may suffer marked tiredness. They are usually thin and weak.
5. Sepia – For Chilly Feeling Even In Warm Room
Sepia is indicated for chilliness when a person feels chilly even in a warm room. The hands and feet feel icy cold. There is excessive sensitivity to cold air. There is excessive weakness even from walking a few steps. This medicine is indicated when there is hypersensitivity to cold in case of a long-term health illness.
6. Baryta Carb – For Cold Hypersensitivity With Cold, Sweaty Feet
Baryta Carb is another useful medicine for cases of cold intolerance with cold, sweaty feet. The sweat on the feet is foul. Those needing this medicine tend to get affected by cold very easily. Even on the slightest exposure to cold air, sore throat and tonsillitis occur.
7. Rhus Tox – For Cold Intolerance With Joint Pains
Rhus Tox is a well-indicated medicine for hypersensitivity to cold. Those who require this medicine cannot tolerate cold air. This medicine is especially of great help to manage cases where joint pains worsen in cold damp weather. Joints also feel stiff apart from being painful.
8. Aranea Diadema – For Hypersensitivity To Cold And Dampness
This medicine is indicated for those who are hypersensitive to cold and dampness. They feel the cold penetrating their bones. Bones feel as if made of ice. The chilly feeling does not decrease and one is not able to feel warm enough again. The head and feet are markedly cold.