BodyMapping Acupuncture by Cole Magbanua
It’s always refreshing to meet a practitioner who shares our same vision in dedicating ourselves to the preservation and continuation of TCM wisdom. We’re all in this together to make the world a better place and what better way to do so than to share what really works? The best kind of knowledge is shared, passed on, and translated into the healing of patients, thus furthering our TCM profession. This past weekend in May, we met a man who can help change the way you practice, making your job easier and more efficient so that you can best help your patient! Meet Cole.
Cole Magbanua is a seasoned acupuncturist with over 25 years of clinical experience who uses a distal acupuncture technique to treat his patients to see instant results. After years of study and practice, he refined his knowledge into a system that he coined “Bodymapping Acupuncture Technique”. The Bodymapping Acupuncture Technique’s beginnings stem from a class with Dr. Richard Tan back in 1995 on mirroring, imaging, and Dr. Tan’s Systems. After trying out what he learned from class, Cole concluded that Systems 1, 4, and 6 worked the best depending on what body part(s) you are treating. He then created a body chart in which he mapped out and color coded the acupuncture channels. It turns out acupuncture channels are not dots or lines but actually zones!
First remember…
When treating anything on the limb, use System 1 (Same Name); needle opposite side
When treating anything on the torso, use System 4 (Opposite Clock); needle opposite side
Use System 6 (Same Channel) to make treatment all the more effective; needle same side
Next, look at Cole’s chart to decide where the problem area is. Let’s say the patient had neck and shoulder pain. Have the patient lie down on the treatment table and palpate for tightness, tenderness, or anything that doesn’t feel normal. Look at the patient’s face for clues as they will usually grimace when there is discomfort. Once you figure which muscles or areas are the problem, look at Cole’s chart to determine what channel overlaps the problem area. If the problem is on the torso (head and abdomen), pick channels using System 4 (Opposite Clock) and if the problem is on an extremity, pick channels using System 1 (Same Name). It’s THAT EASY!! No need to take time to figure things out because this chart makes it incredibly easy to think QUICK! To summarize, you find the problem channel, then use System 1 or System 4 channels to treat it. Simple!
MISSED THE CLASS? No worries, it was all recorded so this wisdom has been preserved for a lifetime. You can get Cole’s 2-part class, BodyMapping Acupuncture, Part I and BodyMapping Acupuncture, Part II, here. If you are an Annual Gold Pass Member, find all of Cole’s videos here to begin your complimentary viewing.
In the meantime, below is a compilation of Tina Chen’s and my notes from the class. Enjoy!
Let me know if this helps your practice!
Donna Chow, L.Ac.