One reason that Epsom salt is so good at cleaning out the intestines is that it actually causes a reverse flush by pulling water back through the intestinal walls. This in turn will break away biofilm and sludge that is not forced out by other laxatives.
Even better, before doing the Epsom salt flush, do a 24 hour water only fast. This weakens any microbes and parasites that may be in the intestines as well as putting extra water into the body so that there is plenty of water to help the reverse flush.
One last thing, at the end of the fast and at the beginning of the flush, I like to zap using a mode that has at least 8 frequencies. It takes a full hour but it is better at destroying a wide range of microbes. I also usually use the 4 point contact, 3 points positive method as it can really help improve results. Using only one or two frequencies is not going to be as effective enough.
Last, after flushing and zapping, taking a tablespoon of yogurt at a time ( at least 5 or 6 different strains of beneficial microbes ), every 15 to 20 minutes for the next couple of hours will help to restore the intestinal flora.
A clean gut with beneficial microbes will do wonders for your health, longevity, and well being.
I generally start my water fast on Thursday night, zap and take Epsom salts on Friday night, followed with my yogurt, and stay home Saturday.
I generally mix 2 teaspoonful of good food grade Epsom Salt into a 8 to 12 ounce glass of water. I also add lemon for flavoring. Note that Epsom salt is very bitter. Some of the yuckiest stuff that I have ever taken. I also keep a separate glass of lemon water for that reason, to use as a chaser. It works very quickly and you will notice the difference. The result will be very yucky and smelly in most cases as it is cleaning out stuff that you would not believe. I generally do mine on Friday evening and stay home for the next 24 hours. Would hate for it to hit in public.
Suggestion, before starting, take a picture of the Iris of your eyes. Then a couple of days after completing take another. Many people will see a significant difference.
To me, the experience was almost like a right of passage and it can bring about change. At one point, I was a heavy soda drinker with a significant candida issue. After flushing I was immediately a water drinker, did not want sodas, It was definitely transformational although it was not the first time that I had taken Epsom salt. It was the first time that I had done the full protocol in sequence.
This same protocol also helped me pass a tapeworm that I had for years.
In Hulda Clark’s protocol, she also adds Ozonated olive oil and grapefruit juice to help flush the gall bladder. This is also extremely beneficial.
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