A lot of people are superstitious about numbers .. RIGHT?
AND I guess most people have heard the bad wrap number 4 gets when talking about house numbers. Is it
Superstitious people are influenced by the fact the number 4 looks like the word death (si) in Cantonese, and now it seems that superstition has been adopted by the whole world.
Did you know – the number 4’s
BAD KARMA has nothing to do with Feng Shui or Numerology at all.
Drop by my blog to find out the true meaning of number 4 and what you need to consider if your living in or thinking about buying a number 4 property.
I’ve got some great 2 hour feng shui workshops coming up in July at Qi Crystals in Caulfield. Feng Shui for Love and Romance, Feng Shui for Wealth and Career and Feng Shui Living. Winter in Melbourne is a great time to learn something that will remove blockages and bring new opportunities in your life so I hope to see you there. Find out more at Feng Shui Courses.
Many blessings, Carol Partridge
Sacred Feng Shui Design