Thank Your Body with Dynamic Support — Allyna Steinberg

Your body is made up of layers of connective tissue, a design quite different than the building you are in.  Your elegant tissues create a network that distributes gravity reaction force into every inch and every cell of your body – toes and heels, ankles and legs, pelvis and rib cage, stomach and lungs, shoulders and arms, wrists and finger tips, spine and head, and everywhere in between. The elegant layers of your body’s connective tissues include your tendons, ligaments, skin, bone, blood and so much more. Thank them.
Your body is also in contact with the air molecules around it which connect you to others in this room, others in your neighborhood or city, others in your state or country, and others in the world.  All of you supported by the chair, the floor, gravity and it’s counter force, and your elegant bodies.  Thank them too.

Now that you’ve taken the time today to thank your body and its dynamic support, make a commitment to take this with you – thank your body every day. Your body will thank you back!
Read more on my blog post “Our Body Concept Matters.”

References:  (1) Lovejoy, Jessica. 2014. “Thank Your Body.” Huffington Post The Blog. (2) Rodiger, Ann, Boggs, Carol, Tuthall, Laura. 2017. Webinar for Alexander Technique Teachers: Joint Hypermobility, Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes, Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders.

Photo credits: (Cell on black background) By IP69.226.103.13 – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,; (Turkey); (Pink gastric tissue) By Nephron – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,; (Thanksgiving high five); (Gravity and counter force); (Cream adipose tissue) CC By-SA 3.0,

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