Top 10 Homeopathic Medicines For Mood Swings Before Periods

Mood swings refer to sudden and intense changes in mood. Many women tend to experience several symptoms few days before the onset of periods and mood swings can be one very common and important symptom. This occurs from hormonal fluctuations. The intensity of mood swings before periods varies from mild to severe in different cases. Mood swings before periods could majorly be a part of PMS i.e. premenstrual syndrome. PMS refers to a group of emotional and physical symptoms that are seen in females around a week before the periods. Mood swings is one among many such emotional symptoms like sadness, weeping spells, irritability, anger, anxiety, emotional outbursts, difficult concentration and social withdrawal. Physical symptoms in PMS includes bloating, acne (pimples) outbreaks, headache, diarrhoea, constipation, breast pain/ tenderness, weakness, body aches, backache, joint pain and decreased sexual drive. Hormonal changes that occur before the periods is the main reason that contribute to PMS. Besides, changes in the level of serotonin (a chemical in the brain that plays a crucial role in mood, sleep and some other functions in the body) can result in PMS symptoms. The above mentioned symptoms of PMS vary from one woman to the other.  Other than PMS, a condition named PMDD i.e. premenstrual dysphoric disorder could also lead to mood swings before periods. This condition is much like PMS but in PMDD the intensity of symptoms is severe. In some women who are already suffering from an emotional health condition like depression, BPD (bipolar disorder previously known as manic depression, refers to a mind-related condition in which there are severe mood swings between a phase of excitement and a phase of depression) and anxiety, there may occur worsening of its symptoms before periods. This is known as premenstrual exacerbation.

Homeopathic Management

The homeopathic mode of treatment carries a great scope to manage mood swings in females before periods. Homeopathic medicines help to relax and calm the mind and bring great relief in mood swings. Along with mood swings, any attending symptoms are also well managed with these medicines like sadness, weeping spells, irritability, anger, anxiety and also physical symptoms like bloating, headache, diarrhea, constipation, and breast pain. Homeopathic medicines for managing this condition are made of natural substances, hence are very safe to use without any toxic side effects. Homeopathic prescription to manage mood swings varies from case to case based on the characteristic individual symptoms. So homeopathic medicines should be taken under the supervision of a homeopathic doctor and self-medication should be avoided.

Homeopathic Medicines For Mood Swings Before Periods

1. Ignatia

Ignatia is a highly recommended medicine when there is a rapid change of mood before periods. Females needing it are happy and laughing that suddenly changes to sadness and weeping within a short interval. At one moment, they are laughing, joking and at the other moment, they become very sad. They may also get angry followed by sadness. They may show social withdrawal and suffer frequent weeping episodes. They have uncontrollable emotions. They are highly oversensitive and nervous in nature. They also have marked irritability of the mind and may feel frustrated. They may also suffer from anxiety and sleeplessness. They may have heaviness of the head, pain in the forehead, heated sensation in head, loss of appetite, cramps in the abdomen and weakness before menses.

2. Sepia

Sepia is a highly effective medicine for managing mood swings before periods. There is a tendency to get irritable and offended quite easily where this medicine is required. There may be anxiety with heat flashes over the face. An indifferent behavior towards the family is seen. Before periods, abdomen pain can be felt in many cases. This is attended with shivering all over the body. Vaginal discharges (leucorrhea) can also occur before menses. Irregularity of menses can be present in addition to the above complaints.

3. Natrum Mur

Natrum Mur is another important medicine to manage mood swings before menses. Females needing it tend to have alternate sadness and happiness. They also have frequent weeping spells without knowing any reason behind it. Besides, they suffer irritability, headache and nausea before the onset of periods. They may also have vaginal discharges and burning or cutting pain in the vagina prior to periods.

4. Pulsatilla

Pulsatilla is very beneficial when there are marked mood changes before menses. Females needing it are highly emotional and tend to laugh and cry very easily. They suffer great irritability and anxiety. They feel better when they are consoled by someone. Before menses, they also suffer spells of headache. It is attended with loose stool and vomiting. Before menses, they also feel pressure in the abdomen and the lower back. There is also a tendency of abdomen pain and yellow-colored vaginal discharges before the appearance of menses. In addition to these complaints, there is also a chilly feeling (means sensitivity to cold) before menses.

5. Lycopodium

The next medicine in the list to manage mood swings before periods is Lycopodium. Females requiring this medicine are very sensitive with a disposition to get irritable easily. They also get angry quite easily. They cannot bear even little opposition from others. They feel very sad before menses. They have marked bloating of the abdomen before the onset of menses. Abdomen pain could occur. The legs and feet feel very cold before menses. Swelling can be noted on the feet. There may be complaint of backache, headache, weeping spells and nausea before menses.

6. Lac Caninum

Lac Caninum is yet another helpful medicine for managing mood swings before periods. This medicine is indicated when there are alternate moods in females before periods. Besides, they may have restlessness, irritability, nervousness with easy startling and hopelessness. There may also appear fits of weeping. Besides these, sore throat, headache and swelling of breasts with sensitivity to the least touch are important complaints that may appear before menses.

7. Platina

Platina is another medicine that can be considered when there is an alternation between cheerful and depressed mood before the periods. There is relief in sadness in the open air. There is excessive weeping that gets worse when spoken to. There is also weeping and laughing alternately. Small matters may cause irritability.

8. Coffea Cruda

Coffea Cruda is indicated when there are mood swings between joy and unhappiness/ sadness before menses. There is also easy crying and laughing. Mental as well as physical exhaustion can be there. There may be sleeplessness in cases needing this medicine.

9. Crocus Sativus

This medicine is also recommended when there is sudden changeability of moods. There is laughter suddenly followed by tears. Cheerfulness alternates with sadness. There tends to be happiness followed by violent anger. Anger is soon followed by calmness and regret.

10. Nux Moschata

Nux Moschata is also a useful medicine to manage mood swings between laughing and crying. In cases requiring it, there is excessive drowsiness in general. There can also be headache with drowsiness before menses. Pain in the lower back is yet another complaint that may appear before menses. There can be irregularity of menses both with regard to time and quantity where this medicine is needed.



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