During menstruation, several health issues can come up in women that may be quite distressing. Weakness or tiredness during menses is quite common besides other common concerns like cramps, bloating and mood changes. A weak and tired feeling during menses is referred to as period fatigue. This happens from a drop in the estrogen levels around the menstrual cycle. This subsides in a few days after periods get over and the level of the hormone rises again bringing improvement. Next, weakness during menses occurs due to loss of blood during menses. The more the blood loss, the more the weakness. Excessive blood loss leads to anemia which may be one of the causes of weakness during menses. With anemia, the iron levels drop. Therefore, the body cannot make enough hemoglobin needed to transport oxygen to the body cells which can cause weakness. Another reason may be decreased sleep during menses which contributes to weakness during menses. Decreased sleep can be attributed to various factors like discomfort, heavy bleeding, mood changes or menstrual cramps. Loss of sleep leads to weakness the next day of a sleepless night. Weakness during menses could be a part of PMS (premenstrual syndrome) that occurs from hormonal changes occurring around the time of menses. Other than weakness, which is one of the most common symptoms of PMS, the other symptoms include bloating, mood swings, sleep issues, headaches, anxiety, appetite changes, depression and weeping episodes.
Homeopathic Management
Females who face weakness during menses can find homeopathic medicines quite useful in relieving this problem. These are natural remedies that help to improve the energy levels during menses. The best part is that these medicines boost energy levels without causing any side effects. With the use of these medicines, the intensity of weakness gradually reduces with every period. Along with improving body strength, homeopathic medicine also focuses on improving symptoms like period cramps, bloating, mood swings, irritability, backache, headache, etc. Homeopathic prescription varies from case to case depending on the characteristic individual symptoms. It is advised to take homeopathic medicine under the supervision of a homeopathic physician and avoid self-medication.
Homeopathic Medicines For Weakness During Menses
1.China Officinalis – Top Recommended Medicine
China Officinalis is the leading homeopathic medicine that treats cases of weakness during menses. This medicine is of great use to manage weakness felt during and after menses. Those needing it feel weak even while sitting. One is unable to do even a little work. There is excessive irritability. There may be a tendency of early and heavy menses where this medicine is required. Along with this, there is excessive bloating of the abdomen.
2. Helonias – For Weakness With Heavy Menses
This medicine is recommended when there is heavy menses with marked loss of strength and weakness. Bleeding gets worse from the least exertion. The bleeding is dark-colored and has a very foul smell, and also lasts for a longer time. Periods occur frequently. The face looks pale with excessive bleeding. Apart from the above symptoms, pain is felt in the back. The pain from the back goes to the uterus. There is cutting or drawing type of pain. The ovarian region may be sore to touch other than the above symptoms.
3. Kali Carb – To Manage Weakness And Sleepiness During Menses
This medicine is recommended to manage excessive weakness and sleepiness during the menses. Pain in the back and abdomen can also occur during menses. There may be bloating and rumbling in the abdomen. Cutting type of pain occurs in the abdomen. There is nausea and vomiting as well. Pain from the lower back may penetrate down to the hips. Backache gets worse while walking. A heavy weight is felt on the back. There is heaviness and pain in the head in some cases during menses.
4. Murex – For Weakness With Painful Menses
Murex is a useful medicine when there is weakness with painful menses. A downward pressure is felt in the uterine region. There is tiredness from the slightest exertion. Menses occurs frequently every two weeks. The menstrual flow is scanty. Along with the above complaints, there is decreased appetite. Disturbed sleep is a major symptom. Irritability is well marked with painful menses. Crying spells occur for hours in many cases.
5. Carbo Animalis – For Weakness And Pressing Pain In Lower Back
This medicine is effective when there is excessive weakness and pressing pain in the lower back. The menstrual bleeding is dark-colored. Menses last for too long. The menses cause so much weakness that even speaking seems difficult. Excessive yawning attends it. Pain in the back extends to thighs and groin. The thighs feel lame. There is a tendency of early and frequent menses. Headache of throbbing type may occur after menses.
6. Graphites – For General Weakness During Menses With Weakness In Feet
Graphites is another well indicated medicine for managing weakness during menses. Weakness is marked in the feet with difficulty in walking. Swelling of feet and face may be present. There may be headache during menses. Nausea often attends it. There is a chilly feeling. Abdomen pain and heated sensation in the abdomen may also be felt. There is distension of the abdomen. Bearing down sensation is felt in the uterus along with weakness. Some females needing it also suffer from leucorrhea with white vaginal discharge. This is attended with excessive weakness. The back also feels weak while sitting or walking.
7. Ignatia – For Weakness, Uterine Cramps During Menses
Ignatia is an effective medicine to manage weakness and uterine cramps during menses. The menstrual cramps are relieved by applying pressure and by lying down. The menses appear early and menstrual flow is profuse. In some cases, menses occur within a gap of 10-14 days. The bleeding is black-colored with foul smell and clots. There may be backache. There may be heaviness in the head before and during menses. There is a decrease in appetite along with these concerns. Anxiety and weakness in limbs may also occur.
8. Iodum – For Weakness, Pain In Back And Ovaries During Menses
Iodum is a helpful medicine for cases of weakness, pain in the back and ovaries during menses. The menses sometimes occur early and sometimes late. The ovary, either left or right, is tender to pressure. Leucorrhea with thick yellow vaginal discharge may be present. This gets worse during menses. The discharge makes the thighs sore.
9. Magnesium Carb – For Top 10 Homeopathic Medicines For Weakness During Menses
This medicine is suitable for managing weakness along with chilliness (feeling cold) during menses. Weakness starts at the onset of menstrual flow and remains throughout the menses. Headache may be present. There is intense pain in the abdomen and lower back. In cases needing it, the menstrual flow is dark, and profuse at night. There is dragging pain with relief by applying pressure on the abdomen.
10. Lilium Tigrinum – For Weakness, Ovarian Pain And Vaginal Discharge During Menses
This medicine is indicated for weakness during menses with ovarian pain and vaginal discharge (leucorrhea). The discharge is foul-smelling. Bearing down in the uterine region is well marked. This worsens while walking. There is relief by applying pressure on the abdomen with your hands. Stinging and burning sensation is felt in the ovaries which may extend to the abdomen and thighs.