Skin allergy refers to skin irritation, skin rash, bumps on the skin from an abnormal over-reaction of the immune system to an entirely harmless substance. Normally the immune system helps to fight foreign harmful agents like bacteria and viruses and expels them from the body. But in people suffering from any kind of skin allergy, the immune system overreacts to a harmless substance due to an over-sensitive immune system. In case of skin allergy, the signs and symptoms that appear are skin rash, skin dryness, bumps/redness/ cracks on the skin, and itching or swelling on the skin. In some cases, a serious reaction called anaphylaxis can occur along with skin symptoms. Anaphylaxis is a medical emergency that requires urgent medical help. Few symptoms of anaphylaxis are swelling in the throat or tongue that may block the airways, wheezing, dizziness, difficulty in breathing, weak and rapid pulse and low blood pressure. Such cases should be promptly treated as these may prove fatal if not treated immediately.
Homeopathic medicines are of great help in treating skin allergy cases. These medicines effectively manage skin complaints arising from allergies like skin rash, skin eruptions, redness on the skin, dryness, and cracks, itching and burning on skin. Each medicine used in homeopathy for treating skin allergy is free of any side effects which is its main advantage. Conventional mode uses ointments, oral medicines like antihistamines to treat skin allergy which lead to short-term relief. But homeopathy provide long-term results as it treats the underlying cause in skin allergy cases.
Homeopathy moderates the over activity of immune system
Homeopathic medicines control the overactive immune system to reduce the intensity and frequency of the allergy. Initially after managing the signs and symptoms of the allergy, they focus to treat the problem from its roots. Homeopathy is suggested for mild to moderate cases of skin allergy. In severe cases and in serious cases where there are signs of anaphylaxis, it is strictly recommended to take immediate help from conventional mode of treatment as these cases are very critical needing prompt treatment and homeopathy has limitation in helping such cases.
Homeopathy follows curative approach
Homeopathy acts to provide a cure in cases of skin allergy. Homeopathic medicines do not act just superficially for temporary results rather they treat the complaint from its core by acting deeply leading to a cure. Also homeopathy never recommends any ointments or medicated creams in these cases that act only on the skin surface and do not treat the basic reason. Homeopathy uses oral medicines that act on the internal body to treat the complaint from within for proper cure.
Customised treatment
The homeopathic prescription for cases of skin allergy has to be decided after detailed case study by a homeopathic physician as per the individual case presentation. So one should always consider taking homeopathic medicine only after consulting a homeopathic doctor. A complete course of homeopathic treatment should be done to achieve best results.
Natural medicines with zero side effects
Homeopathic medicines are natural remedies that heal the skin allergies gently with no side effects. These medicines do not contain any chemicals or toxins hence are totally safe to use.

Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines For Skin Allergy
The top recommended homeopathic medicines to manage skin allergy are Apis Mellifica, Graphites, Sulphur, Natrum Mur, Arsenic Album, Merc Sol and Urtica Urens.
1. Apis Mellifica – Top Remedy
Apis Mellifica tops the list of homeopathic medicine for managing cases of various kind of skin allergies. The characteristic feature for using this medicine is burning and stinging sensation on the skin. The affected skin is reddish in appearance. Skin rash tends to appear. Marked itching is felt in the skin rash in most of the cases. Itching worsens at night, but gets better in open air and also from scratching in many cases. Needle-like pricking is also felt on the skin. The affected skin area is also highly sensitive to touch. In hives, large, red, inflamed bumps appear on the skin along with itching, burning and stinging sensation.
When to use Apis Mellifica?
Apis Mellifica is a highly recommended medicine to manage skin allergy especially hives with marked burning, stinging sensation and itching on the skin
How to use Apis Mellifica?
It is available in different potenices from low to high potency, initially it is advised to take it in 30C potency one to two times a day.
2. Graphites – For Dry, Rough Skin
Graphites is a highly effective medicine when skin gets dry and rough. Cracks appear on the skin. Next, this medicine is highly beneficial for cases where eruptions form on the skin that ooze a discharge. The fluid that oozes out is sticky and gluey. Crusts get formed on the eruptions after fluid discharge. The eruptions have marked itching and burning. This medicine is of great help for treating a skin rash that occurs in the skin folds like bends of the limbs (elbow bend and bend of the knee), armpits, groin (crease where lower abdomen and thigh meets), area under breast and behind the ears.
When to use Graphites?
Use of this medicine should be considered in skin allergy cases with dryness and roughness of skin. Its use is also indicated to manage eruptions on skin that ooze a sticky discharge in skin allergy cases.
How to use Graphites?
This medicine gives excellent results in 3X power that can be taken once or twice a day.
3. Sulphur – To Manage Skin Itching
Sulphur is the most frequently used medicine in homeopathy for managing skin itching due to different reasons. There is a tendency of worsening of itching at night in most cases where this medicine is required. When scratched, there is a burning sensation in the itchy area. Pain is felt after scratching the affected skin area. In general, there is marked dryness on the skin along with the above complaints. In some cases, eruptions appear on the skin that may be dry or may contain pus. Cracks develop on the skin in a few cases. Scabs or scales may be present at times.
When to use Sulphur?
Sulphur is the best choice of medicine to relieve skin itching which gets worse at night in allergy cases.
How to use Sulphur?
It is mostly given in 30C potency that can be used once a day only in 30C power.
4. Natrum Mur – For Dermatitis And Hives
This medicine is recommended for managing skin allergies including dermatitis and hives. It is indicated when there is dry, red and inflamed skin. Next, it is suitable for dry eruptions with crusts in the bends of limbs including bend of elbow and bend of the knee. In case of hives, this medicine can be considered for large red wheals accompanied with intense itching. This medicine can be used in cases where fluid-filled bumps called blisters form on the skin. They tend to burst, ooze watery fluid and get covered with dry flakes after fluid has oozed out.
When to use Natrum Mur?
Natrum Mur is a highly suitable medicine to deal with dry, red, inflamed skin rash in skin allergies mainly dermatitis and hives. It is also apt for cases having crusty eruptions in bend of limbs.
How to use Natrum Mur?
Natrum Mur works well in 6X potency that can be taken twice or thrice a day as per intensity of complaint.
5. Arsenic Album – For Dry Skin Covered With Flakes
Arsenic Album is a helpful medicine for managing cases of dry skin covered with flakes. The skin peels off in the form of large scales where this medicine is needed. Skin is itchy. Burning sensation is also felt in the affected skin area. Itching and burning sensation increases at night. Skin eruptions, dry or fluid-filled, may appear on the skin attended with intense burning. Hives with marked burning can occur in some cases. Lastly, ulcers having cutting pain and burning sensation may form on the skin.
When to use Arsenic Album?
Arsenic Album is of great help to manage dry, rough patches on the skin covered with scales / flakes with itching and burning in cases of skin allergy.
How to use Arsenic Album?
Arsenic Album 30C can be used once a day.
6. Merc Sol – For Fluid Filled Eruptions On The Skin
Merc Sol is of great help in cases of eruptions on the skin that can be filled with watery fluid or pus. The eruptions can be surrounded by scales. Itching may be felt that gets worse from the warmth of the bed. This medicine can also be used in cases of eruptions covered with yellowish-brown crusts. Pus may attend it. This medicine can be considered in cases of skin ulcers as well. In cases needing it, the ulcers are irregular in shape and have undefined edges.
When to use Merc Sol?
Its use is highly suggested to treat fluid-filled bumps on the skin with itching increasing from the warmth of the bed in skin allergy.
How to use Merc Sol?
It is advised to use this medicine once a day in 30C power.
7. Urtica Urens – For Managing Hives Cases
This medicine is highly recommended to help treat hives. In cases needing it, raised red wheals appear on the skin. The hives appearing from eating shellfish is a key indication for using this medicine. The hives are accompanied with violent itching and burning sensation. Formication (a sensation as if the ants are crawling on or under the skin) can be felt along with wheals in addition to the above complaints.
When to use Urtica Urens?
This medicine is excellent choice to treat hives with red, raised wheals having itching, burning and formication (ant crawling sensation on / under the skin) in skin allergy cases.
How to use Urtica Urens?
Among its different potencies, it is best to begin it in 30C power once or twice a day.
Causes and triggers
The allergens that may trigger an allergic skin reaction include certain food products (like peanuts, milk, eggs, shellfish), latex or use of certain medicines, cosmetic products, perfumes, synthetic clothes, use of certain detergents. The persons having skin allergies may suffer from hives, atopic dermatitis, and contact dermatitis if they come in contact with an allergen. Hives refers to a skin rash characterised by formation of wheals (raised bumps) on the skin resulting from an allergic reaction. Atopic dermatitis refers to inflamed, dry skin along with itching in persons having predisposition to allergy tendencies. Contact dermatitis refers to the formation of a rash on the skin causing irritation or an allergic reaction to an allergen like detergents, jewellery, etc. An allergic reaction on skin can also occur from an insect bite.