Toe pain, though not a serious concern, can make walking difficult and hinder daily activities. There may be different reasons for the troublesome toe pain. It could simply arise from wearing tight shoes or prolonged walking. It may also result due to an injury to the toes. However, in many other cases of toe pain, an underlying medical condition could be responsible for it.
Medical Conditions Causing Toe Pain
First among these includes gout. Gout refers to joint inflammation that results from an increase in uric acid levels. It causes pain, redness, swelling, burning sensation and tenderness in the joint. It generally affects the big toe, though other joints in the body can be affected as well. Next cause can be bunion. Bunion is a bumpy bony growth developing on the joint of the base of the big toe. Wearing tight shoes, narrow shoes, arthritis of the toe, foot deformities present since birth are some of the predisposing factors for causing the bunion. In some cases, small bunions can form on the joint of the little toe that are referred to as bunionettes. Another cause for toe pain is arthritis i.e. joint inflammation. Among arthritis, the first type is osteoarthritis. It is a degenerative joint disease that occurs from wear and tear of the joint cartilage as a part of aging or from an injury to the joint. Another type of arthritis is rheumatoid arthritis which refers to an autoimmune disorder affecting joints resulting in inflammation of the joints usually beginning from the finger joints. Another cause behind toe pain is fracture (a break in the bone). Ingrown toe nail is also one of the causes of toe pain. It refers to a condition in which the toenail corner gets into the flesh around it. It usually affects the big toe. This causes inflammation of the skin along with pain, swelling and tenderness. Other causes may include chilblains, turf toe and corns. Chilblains indicate a condition that results in inflammation and swelling on the hands and feet from exposure to cold damp air. Turf toe refers to the injury to the big toe joint from stretching or tearing of the ligaments and tendons of this joint. It is usually seen in football players. Corns refer to hard thick areas on the skin of the feet, toes or hands due to pressure, or frequent rubbing of the skin as from wearing ill-fitted shoes. Besides the above, toe pain can occur from cramps (sudden, involuntary, painful contraction of the muscles) and also in the cases of toe deformities.
Homeopathy can be of great help in managing cases of toe pain arising from various reasons. Homeopathic medicines are natural remedies that help in treating these cases by working on the root cause behind it. Along with pain, these medicines also manage well-attending signs and symptoms including swelling, stiffness, redness, heated sensation, tenderness and itching on the toes. Different type of medicines used in the conventional mode for relieving toe pain are NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), DMARDs (disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs), allopurinol, and antibiotics as per the cause behind it. These may lead to many side effects with prolonged use. But in homeopathy, medicines cause no side effects at all.
Homeopathy always focuses on addressing the underlying cause of toe pain. This approach is the best way to bring long-term results and a cure in these cases. Once the root cause is treated, toe pain gradually reduces in intensity and, with time, resolves completely. To achieve the best results, a complete course of homeopathic treatment for the time duration as suggested by a homeopathic physician needs to be followed.
The most suitable homeopathic medicine for toe pain cases is selected after taking into consideration the characteristic symptoms in every case and also the cause behind them. So it is advised to get your case evaluated by a homeopathic physician for the right prescription suited as per every individual case. In no case should self-medication be done.
Homeopathy is an ancient 200-year-old medical science in which the remedies are derived from natural sources that restore the natural healing processes of the body. Due to this reason, homeopathic medicines are totally safe to use with zero side effects. These also cause no dependency at all. Once the problem resolves, one can gradually stop the medication completely.
Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines For Toe Pain
The homeopathic medicines for toe pain that are found to be most beneficial are Benzoic Acid, Colchicum, Actaea Spicata, Arnica, Caulophyllum, Lithium Carb, Silicea and Agaricus.
1. Benzoic Acid – For Big Toe Pain From Gout And Bunion
Benzoic acid is one of the best homeopathic medicines for managing big toe pain in gout cases. Tearing and stitching type of pain is felt mainly in the big toe. The pain gets worse at night. In most cases needing this medicine, the right-sided big toe is affected initially, followed by the left-sided big toe later. Burning pain may also occur in the big toe. The pain can be attended to with redness as well. Besides gout, this medicine is also indicated for managing bunion cases.
When to use Benzoic acid?
It is an excellent medicine to manage pain in the big toe in cases of gout or bunion usually when pain is worse at night.
How to use Benzoic acid?
This medicine gives good results in 30C that can be taken one to two times a day.
2. Colchicum – For Big Toe Pain From Gout
Like the above-mentioned medicine, this medicine is well-indicated to manage pain in the big toe from gout. The pain gets worse from the movement of the toe. Touching the toe makes it more painful. A tingling sensation in the big toe on the right may be felt. Besides, drawing pain may be felt in the toes. Pressure may be felt in the toes.
When to use Colchicum?
Colchicum offers great help in managing pain in the big toe that gets worse from touch and moving the toe in cases of gout.
How to use Colchicum?
It can be used in different potencies from low to high; however, it is advised to begin with 30C potency one to two times a day.
3. Actaea Spicata – For Toe Joint Pain From Arthritis (joint Inflammation)
This medicine is highly suitable for managing pain in toe joints caused by joint inflammation (arthritis). There is tendency of swelling of the joints when tired or exhausted. Other small joints, including wrists, ankles and fingers may also be affected.
When to use Actaea Spicata?
This medicine should be considered in cases of toe joint pain resulting from inflamed joints i.e. arthritis.
How to use Actaea Spicata?
It is recommended to use it in 30C potency once or twice a day.
4. Arnica – For Toe Pain From Injury
This medicine proves highly effective in managing toe pain from injury. In cases needing Arnica, the affected toes are painful to touch. The big toe joints may be red. There is pain in the feet that worsens in the evening. Big toe also feels sprained.
When to use Arnica?
It is a prominent medicine in homeopathy to manage toe pain arising from an injury with worsening of pain from touch.
How to use Arnica?
This medicine can be used in both low and high potencies. However, it is suggested to start with low potency, like 30C that can be taken two to three times a day.
5. Caulophyllum – For Toe Joint Pain At Night
Caulophyllum is an important medicine to manage pain in the toe joint at night. Stiffness may attend pain in the toes. Pain may also be felt in the feet. This medicine is prominently indicated for joint inflammation involving small joints. Other than toes, there may be pain in the fingers, wrists and ankles. The pain causes restlessness at night. In cases needing this medicine, pain keeps shifting from one part to the other quickly.
When to use Caulophyllum?
Caulophyllum is a wonderful choice of medicine for cases of pain in toe joints worsening at night along with stiffness.
How to use Caulophyllum?
One can take this medicine one to two times a day in 30C power.
6. Lithium Carb – For Toe Joint Pain With Swelling
Lithium Carb is a beneficial medicine when there is pain in toes joints along with swelling. The toe joints are also tender and painful to touch. Swelling and tenderness get better from warm water application on the toes. This medicine is especially of great use to manage pain in the little toes. Itching may also be felt on the little toes. Burning sensation can also attend it.
When to use Lithium Carb?
This medicine can be used to help cases of toe joint pain along with swelling that gets relieved from warm application on toes.
How to use Lithium Carb?
It can be utilized in 30C potency once a day.
7. Silicea – For Toe Pain From Ingrown Toenails
This medicine is well-indicated for managing toe pain associated with ingrown toenails. In cases needing it, pain is felt beneath the nail of the big toe. The pain is stitching or cutting type. Highly offensive-smelling sweat may emanate from the feet. Besides this, Silicea is also indicated for constant and intense pain in the big toe. Due to pain, there is inability to step on the toe. The pain in the big toe gets worse in the evening. Silicea is the most useful medicine for ulcers on the big toe. It is accompanied by a stinging kind of pain.
When to use Silicea?
Silicea is a helpful medicine to deal with cases of toe pain occurring from ingrown toe nails with bad smelling sweat on feet.
How to use Silicea?
It is usually prescribed in 6X potency twice or thrice a day.
8. Agaricus – For Toe Pain In Chilblain Cases
This medicine is highly recommended for cases of chilblains affecting the toes. It helps manage shooting or drawing pain in the toes. Along with this, burning, redness, swelling on the toes are present. Crawling or prickling sensation may be felt too.
When to use Agaricus?
This medicine should be selected to treat toe pain along with redness, swelling burning sensation in cases of chilblains.
How to use Agaricus?
Usually it is given in 30C potency once a day.