Top 9 Homeopathic Medicines For Pain In Back Of Head

A very common complaint, headache can be felt in any part of the head but in some cases, it is specifically felt at the back of the head (i.e. the occiput region). Pain in the back of head can arise from various causes. First reason behind it is tension headache. This type of headache arises from the tightening of the muscles of the neck and scalp and pain is felt in the lower part of the head. This pain can extend to the neck and the eyes as well. It can be attended with stiffness in the shoulders and the upper back, and sensitivity to sound and light. Concentration can also become difficult with these complaints. Next cause can be occipital neuralgia. Pain starts in the neck and extends to the top of the head. It can be attended with other symptoms like eye pain, vision changes, stuffed nose, noises in the ear, numbness and tingling. Occipital neuralgia tends to arise from irritation of the occipital nerves, damaged pinched nerve, tensed muscles, whiplash injury, and degeneration of the discs in the cervical spine.

Another cause could be cervicogenic headache. Pain begins in the neck and radiates to the back of the head and the forehead. Along with this, other symptoms might appear that include neck stiffness, nausea, tenderness of the scalp, light or noise sensitivity, vision problems and pain in the shoulder or arm on the same side as that of the headache. This type of headache results from a problem in the structures of the cervical spine in the neck. Pain in the back of head can also arise from poor posture. Migraine headache can also be one of the reasons that causes one-sided headache often attended with nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light, noise and smell.

Another cause of pain in the back of the head is low pressure headache also known as intracranial hypotension. It arises due to low pressure of the spinal fluid in the brain. This results from leakage of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from the brain and spinal cord from a tear in the dura mater. This causes pain in the back of head along with other symptoms such as stiffness of the neck, dizziness, double vision, blurred vision and hearing noises in the ear. It may next occur in case of exercise-induced headache. Such types of headache leads to pain during or soon after a physical activity. This can be attended with nausea, vomiting and light sensitivity.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can be very effective in managing complaint of pain in the back of head. Homeopathic medicines help to gradually reduce the intensity and frequency of the complaint. Homeopathic medicines target the root cause behind pain in the back of head to bring relief. Homeopathic medicines are prescribed individually for every case based on the characteristic symptoms.  So, it is advised to take any homeopathic medicine for this complaint under the supervision of a homeopathic physician. Homeopathic medicines are advised for mild to moderate cases of pain in the back of head. In severe cases and cases where some serious cause is linked to the pain in the back of head, urgent help from conventional mode of treatment should be taken.

Homeopathic Medicines For Pain In Back Of Head

1. Gelsemium – Top Recommended Medicine

Gelsemium is a top listed homeopathic medicine for managing pain in the back of head. In cases needing it, pain from back of the head may radiate to the shoulders. This can be attended with double vision. This medicine is also indicated when there is pain in the upper part of the neck and back of the head. The pain can be drawing, tearing or cramping type. The pain may further extend upwards and forwards from the back of head. There is relief in headache by applying pressure. Along with headache, the muscles of neck and shoulders feel sore. A characteristic attending feature is sensation of a band around the head.

2. Glonoine – For Pain From Back Of Head Extending To Entire Head

This medicine is highly recommended when pain begins in the back of the head and then spreads to the whole head. Along with headache, there is nausea and vomiting. Heated sensation is felt in the face. This medicine is also useful when pain starts in the forehead and sides of the head and afterwards goes to the top and back of the head. It is a throbbing kind of pain. The pain gets worse from noise and movement. There is relief by applying external pressure on the head.

3. Bryonia – For Pain In Back Of Head Radiating To Shoulders

This medicine can be considered for cases when pain in the back of head radiates to the shoulders. It gets worse when lying on the back. The pain may also extend to the neck. This medicine is also useful for managing pain in the forehead and back of the head. It gets worse from movement. Pain in the forehead may extend to back of head. The nature of pain here is stitching type. In cases needing it, headache gets better by tying up the head.

4. Sanguinaria Canadensis – For Pain From Back Of Head To Area Above Right Eye

This medicine is very important to manage cases where pain starts in the back of head, moves upward and then finally settles over the right eye. Pain is sharp, throbbing type. Vomiting can attend pain. Sounds and odors are unbearable during pain. The pain gets better after sleep.

5. Spigelia – For Pain From Back Of Head To Area Above Left Eye

This medicine is of great help to manage cases of pain that begins in the back of head, goes upwards and finally settles over the left eye. The pain gets worse from stooping. It is also worse from movement of eyes and from warmth. It is relieved from pressure and also from rest.

6. Cocculus Indicus – For Pain In Back Of Head And Neck

This medicine is well indicated for managing pain in the back of head and neck. A sensation of weight in the head is also felt. Heated sensation is also felt. There is inability to lie on the back of the head where this medicine is required. One feels nausea and there may be vomiting along with headache. There is worsening of pain from noise, bright light and talking.

7. Lac Caninum – For Pain In Back Of Head Extending To Forehead

This medicine is effective when pain starts in the back of head and then extends to the forehead. Headache can be accompanied by blurring of vision. Nausea and vomiting can also appear with headache. Headache may alternate on sides from right to left and vice versa. In cases requiring this medicine, headache gets worse from noise and also from talking.

8. Cimicifuga – For Pain In Back Of Head Radiating Down To Back Of Neck

This medicine is helpful when pain from the back of the head shoots down to the back of neck. In cases needing it, a very characteristic feature is that headache often occurs at the same time of the day. The headache worsens when one is indoors. There tends to be relief by going out in open air. Besides the above, this medicine can also be considered when pain starts over the eyes and then extends tos the back of head.

9. Picric Acid – For Pain In Back Of Head Extending Down The Spine

Picric Acid is firstly indicated for cases where pain starts in the back of the head and then extends down the spine. Secondly, it is indicated for pain in the neck and the back of head that extends to the eyes. The pain gets worse from the movement of eyes. It gets better from rest. Headache also gets relieved by binding the head tightly. Another characteristic feature of using this medicine is the worsening of pain from overuse of mind as in case of overstudy.



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