There are many health issues that a woman experiences after childbirth, especially after C–section (cesarean section). Back pain is one of the most common health problems that a woman may face. There are several reasons behind this kind of backache. One among these is the impact of the epidural injection given in the spine to numb the area for operation. This can cause spasms of the muscles near the spinal cord after delivery. These spasms result in back pain that may persist for many weeks or months following the delivery. Hormonal changes may result in back pain after delivery. During pregnancy, hormone relaxin functions to relax the pelvic ligaments and the joints. This hormone is still present in the body after delivery of the child. There is a tendency for easy straining of these ligaments and joints that can result in back pain. These ligaments and joints gain back strength a few months after delivery. Next, carrying or lifting the newborn baby may put a strain on the back which results in backache. Further, there is a tendency to gain weight during pregnancy. This puts extra stress on the back that may result in backache. Besides these factors, sitting in the wrong posture while breastfeeding the baby may also contribute to back pain. Other than the above, the C–section scars may put strain on the back resulting in back pain.
Homeopathic Management
Homeopathic medicines offer a very natural, safe and effective management for cases of back pain after C – section. Homeopathic medicines gradually decrease the intensity and frequency of back pain. Along with pain, it also helps to manage attending stiffness and weakness in the back. These medicines have zero side effects so are entirely safe to use. Homeopathic medicines for this complaint are prescribed individually for every case as per the symptom presentation. It is recommended to get any case of back pain after C – section evaluated by a homeopathic physician and take medicines in the recommended dosage and potency as per the physician’s advice. Self–medication should be avoided in any case.
Homeopathic Medicines For Back Pain After C – Section
1. Hypericum – Leading Homeopathic Medicine
Hypericum is a highly effective natural homeopathic medicine to help cases of back pain after C -section. In cases requiring this medicine, there is sharp or stitching pain in the back. Due to pain, there is excessive difficulty in walking and stooping. There is pain in the hips and the tailbone (coccyx) as well. A lame, weak feeling in the back may attend the pain. The spine and the lower limbs are also painful where this medicine is required. The back may be tender to touch along with the above symptoms. Hypericum is one of the best homeopathic medicines for managing pains that persist after administration of injections.
2. Arnica – For Back Pain, Soreness With Sensation As If Beaten
Arnica is the next well-indicated medicine to manage various post-surgery complaints. It is highly useful when the lower back is painful with a sensation as if it is beaten. The back feels sore to touch. One feels pressure in the lower back along with pain. The back pain gets worse from walking. Due to the pain, one feels as if the spine won’t be able to bear the body weight. Additionally, a tingling sensation may be felt in the back. The pain also worsens on deep breathing or while coughing. This medicine helps to reduce pain, soreness and tingling sensation in the back.
3. Kali Carb – For Back Pain With Sensation Of Weakness
Another prominent homeopathic medicine that can help to manage back pain after C– section is Kali Carb. It is used when there is back pain along with a weak feeling in the back. One feels like lying down. Standing and walking make the pain worse in most cases needing this medicine. The pain from the back radiates up and down the thighs. The back feels as if broken, it becomes stiff. Burning sensation is felt in the back. Additionally, pain may occur in the hips. Pricking sensation is felt along the back when it touches the bed. Kali Carb is also indicated when back pain gets worse in the early morning specifically around 3 am. This pain awakens one from sleep. The nature of pain is sharp and stitching type.
4. Rhus Tox – To Manage Back Pain Worse During Rest
Rhus Tox is the next highly beneficial medicine for managing back pain. This medicine is very effective in managing muscle spasms and pains occurring from strains on different body parts. This medicine works well for back pain accompanied by intense stiffness in the back. In cases needing it, the pain generally gets worse at rest and while sitting. The pain though is worse in the beginning while initiating any movement, it gets better after moving a few steps. The pain worsens from stooping. There is a feeling of heaviness in the lower back region.
5. Bellis Perennis – To Manage Sore Aching Pain In Back
This medicine is also very suitable to manage several health issues that follow surgery. It is useful for managing sore aching pains in the back. Other than back pain, this medicine is also indicated to manage bearing down pains in the pelvis, and sore tender feeling in the uterus after childbirth.
6. Bryonia Alba – For Back Pain Worse From Movement
This medicine is recommended when there is pain in the back which worsens from movement. There is relief in pain by taking complete rest. Women needing this medicine have difficulty standing erect, they walk with their back bent down due to pain. Standing and sitting also make the pain worse. There is difficulty in stooping as well. The pain also gets worse when turning in the bed. Along with pain, there is marked stiffness in the back.
7. Ruta Graveolens – For Pain Worse When Sitting And Walking
Ruta Graveolens is helpful when pain in the lower back is worse from sitting and walking. Relief sets in by lying down and applying pressure on the back. Stitching type of pain is prominent. The back also feels as if beaten. Along with the back, pain may be felt in the hip bones too. This medicine is also prominent when pain is worse in the morning specifically around 5 am.
8. Phosphorus – To Manage Pain Over Sacrum Region
This medicine is well indicated to manage pain over the sacrum (inverted triangle-shaped bone formed by the fusion of five vertebrae at the base of the spine below the lumbar vertebrae) region after childbirth. The back feels as if broken. The pain is worse when rising from a stooping posture. A dragging sensation is also felt in the lower back. One may feel a burning sensation in the lower back.
9. Silicea – For Back Pain Worse At Night
The use of this medicine can be considered when lower back pain gets worse at night. Pain persists while getting out of bed in the morning. Pain increases from stooping and when rising from a sitting position. Pain may extend down the legs. Beating or throbbing sensation may be felt in the back.