Vaccinated? Congratulations, you are now officially GMO

Nostradamus wrote: “Few young people: half−dead to give a start. Dead through spite, he  will cause the others to shine, And in an exalted place some great evils  to occur: Sad concepts will come to harm each one, Temporal dignified,  the Mass to succeed. Fathers and mothers dead of infinite sorrows, Women  in mourning, the pestilent she−monster: The Great One to be no more,  all the world to end.”

The concern here is the mRNA vaccinations and the long term generational effects. We now know for sure that the mRNA vaccines are permanently altering our DNA. It has already been shown that this vaccine causes changes in the DNA of many if not most of those who have been vaccinated with it.  What if these modifications do not affect us so much but directly cause the death or injury to our future children. And … what if this is actually intentional. What if they literally shorten your life by 2 years? 5 years? 10 years? We do know that there are many suffering from abnormal clots and other issues.

Truth be told, it was very very reckless to introduce vaccines to the public without LONG-TERM validation. A vaccine should have at least 5 to 10 years monitored usage before it is introduced to the public. Anything less is pure reckless abandonment. For this reason alone, every nation on Earth should immediately pass laws preventing the use of any RNA or DNA in any vaccine or other product that will be directly introduced into the human body. Also, this should be banned from injecting into any animal that is used as a food source or  breeding stock for food sources. Even if there were not any problems with the current mRNA vaccines ( far from the truth ), that does not rule out future issues.

Many have been vaccinated with these mRNA vaccines and everyone in this group is likely strongly opposed to GMO, yet they are now literally GMO themselves. Of course these people did not realize that they were tricked into becoming GMO but the truth is plain. Having received even a single dose of these vaccines, your genes have been modified so that you are actually defined as being GMO.

If you are not aware, there is currently an epidemic of cardio-pulmonary deaths in younger people to middle age people who have received the Covid-19 vaccines. While there is not any proof of cause and effect currently, the question arises: If there is a problem with the vaccines, could this problem be passed on to the next generation and possibly even be amplified. If so, this could result in a dearth of viable newborns or a subsequent situation of premature mortality in young people? Could this cause premature deaths in the next generation of newborns?

Very sadly, every person who has received almost any Covid-19 vaccine is now literally GMO. So very sad.

Yes, those vaccinated are literally Genetically Modified Organisms. and it can not be undone.

On Jan 23rd, 2020, I wrote “I would also avoid any new vaccine as any vaccine that is produced in a rush may have unknown long term and short term consequences. You CAN NOT file a law suit if injured.”
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