Vivien in Conversation with Huenu Solsona -The Orykl Platform • Crystal Healing Techniques

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Listen to Vivien’s conversation with Huenu Solsona here


Below is the AI transcription which has not been edited

Hello and welcome to the Show, where we explore this big adventure called Life.

Our guest today is a young woman originally from Argentina,

now living in South Africa, who has created a platform for better spiritual practitioners,

called, and her name is Huenu Solsona.

Hello, Huenu, welcome to our show.

Hello Vivian, thank you so much for having me, so good to be here.

Fantastic, and Huenu, you know, when you contacted me,

you have no idea, we should leave the listeners on this,

that you have no idea that Neil and I were from South Africa,

and the Schapera Show was being done by people who originally lived in South Africa.

Isn’t that correct?

That’s correct, yes, actually, my PR company reached out to you guys,

and yeah, we reached out for people in the US,

but we’re here in Cape Town, and as you probably know,

is a huge spiritual community on this side of the world, too,

so we’re uniting from all corners of the world.

I know, it was so amazing when I discovered that you’re actually in South Africa,

you know, I just thought we should let the listeners know

that we discovered once we spoke to each other,

because they’ll be able to hear we have similar accents, and they’ll think,

“Hmm, what’s this Vivian know from before?”

But that’s not all that we have in common, is it?

It turned out, when we chatted to each other in January,

it turned out that we went to the same high school even in Cape Town.

That’s right, I know, I know, that’s crazy.

I mean, how is the world, to go to the same high school,

to people in the prosely side of the planet?

And it was very difficult.

I’m totally deprived of a community of people who went to the same high school,

as me now, that I live in Cincinnati, so this is absolutely fantastic for me,

and it’s true, there’s a big method for the school community in South Africa.

I mean, we watched a show about somebody feed fill,

and they had the South African, he went to Cape Town,

and then they even talked about chakras on the show,

and there were all that energy healing, and they were like,

“Wow, in South Africa, this is where this information came forward,

in a food travelogue show, you know?”

So there is, there’s a very active metaphysical community in South Africa, you’re right.

Yeah, especially here in Cape Town, I think they say

that the energy of Table Mountain attracts a lot of people.

I literally live at the base.

I’m the first row of houses at the base of Table Mountain.

We’re a beautiful view of the city, so I feel the energy here.

I feel very grounded, and it’s like a good space to explore the upper realms,

by staying grounded here next to this mountain.

It is an extraordinary mountain.

I mean, Table Mountain, and the vortexes,

you know, everyone’s keen on Sedona here in the United States,

and we are too, but because of how Table Mountain has trained us

that very interesting spiritual dynamic that emanates throughout the city.

So let’s go to your platform.

Your platform, can you tell us the name of your platform,

and also to spell it, because it is spelled differently?

Yes, so it is Oracle, but it’s spelled O-R-Y-K-L.

Obviously, we’ve got a compensator, Oracle Corporation,

that we don’t feel like going up against,

but we also really like the different spelling,

and of course, it means Oracle.

And that’s just, there’s many meanings of that word too,

but essentially somebody who’s got wisdom to share with others,

from higher realms.

So somebody that can tap into the third world

and give us the messages that come through, basically.

You know, I want to just say that I don’t usually like words

that are spelled differently from their actual spelling,

but with Oracle, there’s something very special about that.


It’s because we have this question, why?

Why life? What is life?

We have this question, why that doesn’t get answered.

And the only way that we can possibly answer such a question

is to get out of ourselves, to go beyond ourselves.

And so there’s this kind of symbolism of the why,

in the way that you’re spelling Oracle,

that especially strikes me.

Well, amazing. Thank you, Vivian.

I had not thought of that myself.

And I love that.

I really love it, especially that it’s in the middle of the word, right?

Yes, thank you very much.

Thank you very much.

No, I didn’t realize that myself,

it had entered my mind unconsciously,

and now in your presence as we’re talking together,

I really got it.

Well, maybe it’s for the channeled moment.

I don’t know.

But it started as the why I started to flash at me.

And I thought, yeah, that’s a moment of perfection there.

And I really appreciate it.

So, you know, it’s just a kind of integrity

between what your platform is

and this unusual spelling of the word Oracle.

So tell us more about the platform.

Sure, sure.

Well, Vivian, maybe mentioned briefly my personal background,

which has been in starting and running businesses.

Here in South Africa ran a company called Adventure Bootcamp

for years where we grew to, we had over franchises all over the country,

and then I had an outdoor cinema called the Galileo,

and that also over a period of nine years grew substantially.

And I had other businesses.

And so I had the business background to do anything really out of that.

I wanted to, not anything, but you know,

I just once you’ve had your own business for over years,

you become good at just running a business.

And I just wanted my next business to really help the world.

I felt like I could have a global impact.

And I just knew I was going to sell the Galileo soon

and start something else, but I didn’t know what.

And in I was sitting in meditation like I do most nights.

And the idea came to me.

In fact, the word “oracle” came.

And you know, it’s so funny.

I don’t know if my memory is maybe I’ve been changing it over the months,

but I remember the word “oracle” but funny enough.

I don’t remember the whole spelling.

It was the “oh” that grabbed me in that meditation.

It was the “oh” oracle.

If you go to our homepage, there’s a circle that spins,

and that was exactly the vision that I got.

And the idea to do this platform, which I’m sorry about just now,

but it was, for me, it was like a download.

And I thought it was perfect because I really had a lot of experience

with spirituality, with channeling, with just healing modalities.

I’ve been on the spiritual journey for years.

My brother passed away in

and that really opened up a massive spiritual door for me as I was trying

to understand where he was, and if he could hear me and all sorts of things.

And so having had that spiritual background of courses and healings,

and not so much healing fun enough, but more yoga and meditation,

and then my business background, when this idea came to me,

well, this is perfect.

I’m marrying something that I absolutely love,

that has brought me so much joy and love,

and it’s such a good thing that really helps people.

And in my business background.

And so, I mean, I wrote it all down, and since then,

I’ve been really working on it in some way or another,

but we only launched at the end of last year,

and essentially we are an online marketplace

for vetted spiritual therapists and healers.

And we have different modalities that we specialize in.

Currently, we have the session open.

We’ve come back to just the direct tree.

We are doing version two of the platform.

So in a few months, it will be live again,

where you can actually host sessions on Oracle.

But at the moment, we just have a list of vetted practitioners,

and we have these different modalities,

which I explain them as being sort of on the outer edge of spirituality,

sort of pushing the edge of spirituality.

And the way I explain it is that, you know, we’re in now,

and most people are aware of how good it is to be present, for example,

and how just generally meditation is accepted

as something that’s really good for you, and being aware,

and you know that’s why it’s accepted.

But we are tapping into the next layer,

the one that goes a little bit further,

that taps into things like, you know, your higher self,

and your spirit’s team around you.

And really, it’s about understanding who we are

and the different levels that we exist in.

And so it’s a little bit further, as I say,

than your average person on the street.

But I feel like we’re ready for it,

and I feel like these practices, these modalities,

haven’t yet been organized, tapped into, done well,

given a professional touch,

because we have so many spiritual practitioners all over the world

being amazing work in these fields.

But each one is on their own, doing their own little websites,

their own efforts on social media,

which is getting harder and harder for everybody

and it’s your professional company doing these videos and reals and things.

And so there are wonderful people doing wonderful work

who are not being heard or seen or, you know,

used for the amazing abilities that they have to heal the world.

And so we want to unite that in a platform

that is very, very efficient,

that’s very organized, that’s good,

that’s easy for the user, for the clients to use and understand and trust.

And the same thing for the practitioner.

And an important aspect of all of this is the aspects of trust,

because it’s an industry that obviously lends itself to anybody doing it.

Anybody can say they’re an animal communicator,

you know, a channeler or, you know, an energy healer.

So how do you know if the person you’re booking on paying for

is going to deliver on what they say that they do, right?

And that’s our job.

That’s really my job is to be there to these people.

And I have no interest in anything but helping the world.

Of course, this is a business that we make money from and all that,

but that quite frankly is not the reason why I’m doing this.

I want to bring these practices to the rest of the world

and I want those people to benefit from it and to not be taken for a ride

and to really get what they came for.

Yeah, so I think you’ve given me three different questions that I want to ask you

and I’m sure I won’t remember all three.

But my first question is, how do you vet your practitioners?

Well, sometimes they recharge to us and sometimes we recharge to them

as the initial contact.

But at whatever happened first, we look at all their online content.

So obviously the website and all the social media.

And again, it’s not about having lots of followers or necessarily or things like that,

but we want to see videos of them more than anything.

Yeah, we mainly look for videos.

And we get a very good feel from the video. I look at all of those.

Now, you don’t need to be a genius after looking at hundreds of these pages and these people

to very quickly determine whether this is somebody that you would want or not.

Not to say I’m perfect at that at all, but it’s certainly very visible

when it’s somebody I don’t want on the platform.

And that’s because they will say, I mean, look, there’s many ways in which I do that,

but they will usually say something of a lower vibrating energy if you know what I mean.

And that could mean many things. That could be many things. That could come out in many different ways.

So I’m looking for high vibrating individuals which I can really spot.

But anyway, after that, we have a session, them and on.

And we have a one-on-one and it’s very much just the conversation.

I tell them, you know, what I’m doing, they tell me what they’re doing.

And I just get a feel for them. And what I’m looking for is a little ego as possible

and the rights and pensions.

And of course, you know, when they let me interrupt you,

I need to know, I’d like to share with the listeners,

what is an example of a low vibration and an ego insertion?

What are examples of those two?

Because those are the kind of things we do need to recognize.

Because we know that there are good people out there.

There are well-intentioned people out there.

And then there are people who, we call it the real thing.

They just, they maybe experience, they maybe more practice, they maybe more talented.

But they’ve got that, as you say, higher vibration.

Can you give us some examples to explain these dynamics?

Yeah. Well, for example, a person that in their message shares any kind of fear

or that shares any kind of self-doubt, that generally makes you feel down,

is somebody that himself or herself is vibrating lower,

and therefore is giving that message.

A person that vibrates higher will generally make you feel more expansive.

You will feel more empowered.

You’ll feel more like yourself, less scared, more, more seen.

That’s one example.

The ego, it sounds, I don’t know if I can give you,

you can kind of see it or feel it, can’t you?

It’s the language that’s used sometimes.

It’s the, it’s a, for example, somebody with a lot of ego will say,

“Well, I’ve done so many healings, and I’ve done this, and usually my clients,

they will talk about themselves, and they’ll use a lot of “I”.

It’s, that’s all, you know, it’s all that one, again, as I said,

it’s not like I might, I can tell you, these are the things to look out for.

Once you’ve done it so many times, when you just sit on that chair,

it’s like everything, when you practice, you get good at.

And look, I do a lot of work on myself a lot, you know.

I work, I recognize the stages that I’m in.

So my job is also to keep myself as high as I’m breaking as I can,

so that I can also spot the difference.

I get better and better, you know, as I do that.


And I think that feeling, that feeling is interesting, and if you don’t mind me telling an “I” story myself,

I think I understand what you mean, and I think I’ve got quite a good example,

because one that very long time ago, this was at the Taekwondo School that I left in

so it must have been in the year or even or something.

There was a party at the Taekwondo School, and we had to dress up in a costume,

so I decided to dress up as a fortune teller, and I put on the skirts and the dangly earrings,

and all of that, and I took my tarot cards, and then everybody wanted me to do tarot card readings.

And the truth is that I don’t actually know how to read tarot cards,

but I was thinking of it as a game.

Well, I shouldn’t have.

I really shouldn’t have, I’m a little ashamed to admit that I was doing that,

but also I’m not, because I think we don’t really take something seriously enough.

So then, I am a practitioner, and I was doing some healing work at that time,

energy healing sessions, and so on, and I soon realized, hey, wait a second,

I was just fooling around, but this is coming out a bit more serious than I intended.

And so then this person who was very upset actually really was looking for advice,

and I couldn’t back out or anything, and the way the cards fell, I could see that she was having a hard time,

and it was quite intense and serious.

And I had to really pull myself together and say, I cannot tell her that this is bad,

but she had begun the sort of, you know, little play session with the wisdom.

I’m literally worried and concerned about my daughter.

And I thought, I had to step out of myself and figure out how I could tell her

without alarming her and without being negative, that she was,

that there was trouble brewing.

There was definitely trouble on the horizon, because that’s what the cards indicated.

And I wasn’t a very experienced or professional card reader, but I could tell.

So I paused the moment, and I stepped out of the way, and I asked for help,

and I said, how do I frame this positively?

And the words came to me very clearly, and I said, you know you are right.

You are right to be concerned, you are not out of line to be feeling concerned.

Now let’s be constructive with that concern, and let’s apply it in the correct way.

And that’s what came to me in that moment.

So I can really understand the difference between a reader or channeler

or person that you’re consulting that gives you negativity,

versus a positive outlook.

It can be the same information, and yet one can be one way, and one can be the other way.

Yeah, and just to maybe clarify, we don’t have psychic readers on our platform,

and none of our practices generally tell anything about this future.

It’s more about understanding ourselves, and understanding who we are,

and why things happen in our lives, and why things have happened in our lives.

Well, for example, with channeling, you could go into path lives.

You could look at your Akashic records, which is your whole blueprint history of your entire soul.

And so it’s more an educational and empowering session,

so that you’ve got the tools to deal with whatever life throws at you.

I think that’s fantastic, because you just revealed the why an article

at the same time is everything else.

I think this is a perfect moment for you to spell a recall for everyone,

so they know how to get onto your platform.

And then I’ve got a bunch more questions for you, which we’ll do after the break.

So if you could just go ahead and spell our for everyone, that would be great.

Thank you, Vivien. It is

It’s so easy and straightforward, and there’s a wealth of listings there, I believe,

and as well as hope for the future.

So when we come back after the break, we’re new.

We’re going to speak to you some more. I’ve got a whole lot more questions.

Thank you so much. Everyone, you’re listening to Huenu Solsona of,

explaining this new platform that she has created.

Please join us again after the break.

Hello, and welcome back to the Schapera issue.

Today we are speaking to Huenu Solsona, who has founded an online platform

for their spiritual practitioners called

And she is sharing some fascinating and empowering information with us.

When I want to ask you, if we could just complete that information about how you set your practitioners

for your platform, because I think this is very, very important for everyone to understand.

And especially for me, because then I can refer people with a very clear and positive mindset.

Thanks, Vivien. And yeah, that is the idea of why we’ve met them.

And we know that we are sending somebody to somebody that’s the real deal.

And so after we look at their online content, after we have a chat with them,

which is everyone’s always with myself first.

And we both agree that we align on a mission because this isn’t just me approving them.

They approve me. We know we approve each other.

We just agree that we are aligned on our intentions.

And I obviously like the person.

And I can see they’ve got enough experience, even just by the way they talk and everything they say.

And then I send them to, well, they give us a session for free to somebody from our dating team.

I’ve got a team of seven practitioners on our call that that.

And what they do is they attend the session. So we decide which is the most popular session that the new practitioner does.

And this is online.

And then when somebody from our dating team will actually do the session as if they were a normal client.

So the entire session is as if they were any other paying client.

We don’t want obviously any special treatment. And it must just be like how it would be for everybody.

And after that, it’s done, based on that detailed feedback form.

And if need be, I’ll pick up the phone and chat with them.

If not, sometimes it’s a clear no. And sometimes it’s a clear yes.

Most of the time, not always, it’s a yes because I’ve already, I’ve already dated them.

You know, they’re only there.

The session is green.

And we want to see, you know, the results as well.

How the session was, and then how the fault afterwards are over the next few days.

And that’s it.

So yes, that’s really good. So what will do you have on our

So we started with channeling. So we’ve got quite a lot of channelers.

Then animal communication, a caching record, quantum healing, energy healing, pranic healing, emotional freedom technique,

which is like tapping guided imagery, hypnotherapy, sound healing, and I’m missing one mediumship.

We just launched the directory.

So at the moment, it’s just yesterday, I spoke with two different practitioners.

But at the moment, we’re adding more people onto our platform.

So this is a really great time for any practitioner out there who might be interested in joining.

And really the first part is just having a chat and learning more about each other as I said.

There’s no commitment. Nobody on the platform is committed to anything or rights of versa.

It’s just a very much aligned, you know, co-creation of this, which is, as I said, a directory for now.

But you’ll be able to actually have sessions on Oracle and how the client log in and a practitioner log in.

And we obviously plan on expanding it quite a lot.

So I’m familiar with most of the things that you’re listing.

But is it okay if I ask you more about channeling?

Because that’s how you started, isn’t it? There’s a channeling platform.

Yes, yes.


So I’ve got a mixed relationship with channeling because there’s sort of…

Well, let me ask it this way, what entities are normally channeled?

Well, that’s part of why you want to have high vibrating individuals.

So the channeling that we do at Oracle and all our channels, they’re channeling much higher vibrating energies.

But anything from the fifth dimension and up, so a lot of angels and archangels are channels.

A lot of ascended masters, there’s your higher self or even the channeler’s higher self.

And then there are groups of beings.

There’s a lot of galactic influence at the moment on planet Earth as we’re going through this ascension into the fifth dimension.

Sorry, these might be terms that the listeners might be very familiar with or might be very familiar with.

Yes, there’s that dimension a lot. Can you explain the first dimension a little bit?

So I’m not expert, I don’t think I’m the best with words because these are very difficult things to understand

because we live in this third dimension, we live in a time-space reality where we have our five senses

and it’s what we see here, I know that is our reality.

But it doesn’t mean that that’s all there is.

And you can look at your eye, your eye can see a tiny fraction of all the colors that exist.

And our ear can hear only a tiny fraction.

And so there’s so much more that we can’t sense without five senses.

And there are many different levels.

And the fifth dimension is a dimension of no physicality.

So it’s beings are not physical, although some of them can justify, so some people can live people, not people.

Can live between the fourth and fifth dimension.

Although I mind you, there are human beings as well and doing that as we speak.

But I don’t want to confuse things too much.

There are many dimensions that different non-physical beings reside in.

The arc angels are higher, but at the same time it’s a physical concept because even each of us has a part of ourselves in all dimensions.

It’s just that our awareness is at this point in time in this one.

But even when we fall asleep, we go to different dimensions.

And so it’s just bringing down that information from those dimensions.

And anything that’s higher vibrating will be, let’s say, closer to source or closer to love.

And it will always have a positive, empowering message coming through.

Even if they’re telling you something bad in a vertical comment.

So it will be a very loving, a very kind, a very, you will feel seen and heard because the part that’s really you is being seen and heard and it’s coming out.

And so some people are scared of channeling, but there’s nothing more loving and beautiful.

And if you’re getting negative messages, that person isn’t channeling.

They’re just, you know, they’re insecurities coming through.

I don’t know if to say strictly it’s not channeling because I don’t know anybody have never met anybody that, you know, channels lower vibrating energies.

I’ve made people that I can certainly tell you haven’t were not channeling by any means.

And they were giving negative messages.

But I don’t know. Maybe there is somebody out there.

But yeah, so it should be a really beautiful experience.

And remember that your higher self and their higher self of the channeler are in communication along with your whole spirit team.

You don’t even need to know what to ask.

There’ll be a message from your higher self that the channeler delivers for you. It’s really beautiful.

I think you really, really explained the first dimension very well.

So even though I work in the field and everything, I’ve never been able to articulate it as well as you did.

So I think that was fantastic.

And I think we have just enough time for you to tell everyone again how to spell

and to welcome them to your what is now a directory, but will become a platform that people can actually book sessions through in the future.

So it’s something we really do want to keep tabs on.

So tell us again about

Thanks Vivian.

So it’s dot

And really that’s the place to go.

You can obviously link them to all the other socials and watch videos and all kinds of things on the website.

But is the place to go.

Absolutely fantastic.

Thank you so much, Vivien.

It’s been so wonderful to talk to you and to have you on the show.

And congratulations on putting your business skills to such a wonderful project that really and making it worldwide so that everybody can benefit.

And I think that’s truly wonderful and just fantastic for me to meet a fellow South African in this field as well.

Thank you so much.

Thank you for coming on the show.

Thank you.

It’s been such a pleasure.

Thank you.

Thank you.

So everyone you’ve been listening to Vivien and Huenu Solsona of on the Schapera Show on

And when we come back, Neil will be sharing his report from the Spirit Realm.

Please join us again.


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